


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Lonnie
Age: 33
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 5'10"

Dorky as they come, Lonnie is very open and enthusiastic about his hobbies and interests which range from ancient literature transcription to found footage horror films. He likes people, but is a bit awkward in his interactions with others, never enough to be off putting but enough that he feels bad about it. He has an excitable and honest nature, and generally wears his intentions on his sleeve. Hes not the type to hint or be discreet (even if sometimes a situation calls for it). He spends a lot of time deep in the archives of public libraries, either volunteering or studying something himself. Grandmas tend to love him and think hes as cute as a button, so hes treated like a staff member more often than not. Hes currently in college aiming for a masters in arts. Hes close with his family but unfortunately is living away from them to attend university, and gets lonely pretty easily. Hes been trying to make new friends and has been having moderate success. He often hand writes letters to his fathers because neither know how to use a computer, and Lonnie enjoys it anyways. Hes been practicing calligraphy to make the letters extra special. Hes one of the few people who are aware of Shadad's true nature and mostly thinks its really cool. After the initial horror that is. 

Shadad- extremely large person who kept checking out piles and piles of childrens books, eventually became good friends, but Lonnie is unsure of the exact nature of their current relationship because theyre so hard to read but thats fine
Corby- an extremely funny little girl, has no idea how she became so feisty when her parent is so calm
Galt- makes him really nervous but he wants to be friends if possible
Caide- he hasnt met him face to face yet, but he wants to

-has a tendency to dance when he walks
-is an early bird
-has asthma and has to keep an inhaler on him at all times from the constant book dust
-has a deep seeded hatred of Beowulf but never elaborates on why
-dabbled in philosophy but hates the people who major in it
-has a form of symbrachydactyly
-needs stronger glasses but doesnt want to admit it
-has clammy hands most of the time
-he gets cold really easily, and is almost always bundled up in some way