Beatrice Andersen



5 years, 21 days ago


Beatrice "Bee" Andersen
22 years old
Pancham #674 (shiny)
Applefield Valley, Emerald
 Official Reference

Beatrice Andersen


Born in Applefield Valley, a small town in the north of Emerald Island, surrounded by more apple trees that you could ever think of, Beatrice had a relatively normal upbringing. Her parents were the proud owners of an apple farm that she'd have to take over some day, but right now, there's a lot more different things on her mind. After losing her dear Lycanroc pet "Lucky" in the disaster, Beatrice's family welcomed a stranger into their home who had helped Bee get home savely from the raging storm outside.

She and the Teddiursa who went by the name of "Pine" got along surprisingly well, and after her father offered him to stay if he helped work on the farm, the two grew even closer. Together, they left to join Everstone City Guild together, mainly because Beatrice didn't want the responsibility of the apple farm on her shoulders, as well as explore the region before settling down.


Beatrice is a generally optimistic character with a rather naive outlook on the world. Her life had always been picture perfect and she's not used to all the chaos in the region just yet. But she will get to know those dangers sooner than you'd think. The little bear is affectionate and supportive of her friends, however trusts way too easily... and not always the right people. Who knows for how much longer she will keep up that positive attitude.

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