


5 years, 30 days ago


Name Brynne?
Species Pavesi
Age Over 800
Height 7'8
Gender Less. They/them
Location Cove in a lost isle
Orientation What?
Status Confused
Occupation Um, mermaid?

Status NFT
Designer Crystalomic
Worth $0


Essence: Nocturnal, shy, quiet, slow, protective of their own, wary of pakkeli, pakaasu and the goddesses, scaredy, nervous about newer things, absolutely terrified by loud noises, jealous of more sociable mervesi, aggressive when cornered by anything they aren't familiar with or can't trust, too trustful to friends, puppy-like affection, snoody towards outsiders. Deep voice, phlegmatic speech. Slight rasp-lisp.

Brynne exists in commonplace memory as a myth, a mystery, a monster and not much else. Tales told of a strange and eerie saviour that lurks only in peripherals and comes to one's rescue only in the narrow margin between life and death sure paint a picture of him different than the pavesi's intentions would. But sailors that narrowly avoided drowning spread legends of a harbinger that they all remember only in the haze just before losing consciousness, only to wake up ashore. Particularly interesting hearsay tells of a capsized ship whose crew all woke up individually floating on boards from the wreck. As if they had been plucked out of the water one by one and deposited to safety. Even those that had drowned and lost their lives were among them, places atop the boards like coffins, with water flowers placed around them in mourning. And none of them remember who did it. It's all those strange occurences and one man's encounter with a gaunt, pale thing that saved his life and then scurried away that keep adding to the legend of The Harbinger of Winter. The name comes from Ykalvi, the month where most sightings occur, partially lended to the high quantity of shipwrecks at that time. Something about budding ice makes vessels get in trouble... Brynne's been dubbed worse however - Harbinger of Death... attributed to his tendencies to lurk around ships going in a dangerous direction. In the murky depths, at night, the faint glow of his markings is visible at times. And it's become a sign for captains to turn their ships around, for the Harbinger stalks them like a shark, ready for the ship to wreck.

The true figure behind the curtain of myth and dark hair is a much gentler soul, delicate and shy in spirit, simply held back by wary disposition and timidness. And while, yes, that skittishness might cost lives, Brynne just does their level best to not approach anything that isn't pavesi when there's a chance to be seen. And with reason... That they can't remember. They prefer to watch unnoticed from the shadows and shallow shores, observe the changed, scary world around them and its inhabitants that they feel an inexplicable distrust towards. If approached without warning Brynne is known to lash out, spooked by intrusions of their privacy, but the pavesi has a damn right Ariel obsession with alien things, and when everything around them is new territory, it's understandable why the little shadow has made a reputation of lurking for themself. Both isle and mainland inhabitants have seen them as they travel between locations but their home lies in the underwater cove of a small Lost Isle that they've lovingly dubbed Brighund. Something about that name and their own, Brynne, strikes them familiar. But despite naming themself so after waking up, the pavesi suspects it wasn't their actual name.