Greywiira Skytte



5 years, 1 month ago



Greywiira Skytte
Drow Elf


Greywiira was born in the Underdark like many Drow, but was unusual in her resistance to sunlight. While it was uncomfortable to her, she was not restricted to the darkness like many of her brethren. Grey left home at a very young age to seek her fortune in faraway lands, finding herself most comfortable on sailing vessels. She hopped around from ship to ship, falling in with many different pirate groups.

early history

Cunning, ruthless, and seemingly tireless, Grey quickly gained notoriety among fellow pirates that made her something of a target. She never backed down from a fight and steadily earned a begrudging respect from other pirates. Her silvertongue and sickly-sweet deposition got her friends in high places, but if all else failed she was very good at disappearing completely. Her ability to function during the night coupled with her dark-vision gave her an edge on other pirates, and soon the night belonged to her. Then came a plague no pirate expected - the Bolts. Like lightning these pillars of radiant light would crash down from the sky and completely obliterate entire ships in an instant, leaving all aboard it dead. As a result, trade ships became fewer and fewer and made the pickings slim for pirates.


After the Bolts became more frequent, Grey drew no distinction between trade ships and pirate ships when it came to plundering. As a result she began to make stronger enemies on the seas. While engaged in a battle with the aarakocra captain Plumebeard and his crew, the sky turned pitch black and a bolt of energy ripped both their ships to pieces, sending Grey flying into the water, blinded and badly hurt. She managed to cling to flotsam until another ship picked her up. Without her crew, her ship, her belongings, and her sight, Grey struggled to rebuild.

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