


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Closed Species Bamharr

Information on Bamharrs can be found here on DA, https://www.deviantart.com/bamharr-babes

Gifted Adopt

This adopt was gifted to me by DarkfireV


To view references, outfits, weapons and so on for this character take a look at the extra tabs under the characters icon on the left.

Bamharr Traits:

Common B Type Ears
Common Slit Eyes
Epic Double Tails

Heart B

Everly's Profile

Name: Everly

Gender: Female

Age: 78

Race: Bamharr

Height: 5' 5"

Body Type: Curvy

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: Likes to dress to make herself look younger, not that she wants to hid her age but to tick people and through them off a bit. This also means she choses girly hair styles as well.



Personality Traits:
Trouble Maker, Tease, Daring, Strong Willed
Caring at Heart, Does not take fullish risk, Seceretly likes to be dominated,

Everly alwasy liked to cause trouble and uses her young appearance to her advantage, in several ways, and is up for most anything. If she does not like you she will tease and pick on you alot, but when she does like and respect someone she is more calm and casual. But the trouble she does get into his thought out so she does not end up in jail or has a solid excape plan.

Everly will sleep around and have one night stands from time to time, but if she does find someone she truly wants to be with that behavoir will stop. She only wants to be with her love and hopes for the same in return. So she will keep herself emotional detatched from people she likes and knows that will never happen with. Likely not wanting any sexuaul encounter with them at all.
Relationships with other OCs

Evelyn: The annnoying big sister that could never do any wrong in their parents eyes. Their parents loved that Evelyn was a singer and had always praised her for it and treated her differenly. Everly knows her sister loves her but she has alwasy resented her for their childhood. Everly loved her sister all the same but admiting it to Evelyn will not happen.

Bouble Gum
Games, of any kind
Bring Controled, by someone she is atractted to
Making Trouble
Standing out

Pure Ass Holes
Prissy popular girls or guys