


4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




20 something








Field Agent


Positive TraitsLikesThings To NoteFun Facts
  • Enthusiastic
  • Cheerful
  • Fearless
  • Selfless
  • Fluffy animals
  • Making friends
  • Helping people

  • Although she is usually upbeat, her mood can go from happy, to angry, to sad very quickly. Luckily she bounces back just as fast.
  • Glasses are too big for her face and always round and always red. Sometimes they can be swirly @_@
  • She is not very book smart and can very easily become self conscious and feel inferior around her more scientifically minded coworkers
  • She is extremely adept at learning languages, both human and alien!
  • She loves to do pottery but she can really only make pinch pots, ocarinas, and mugs.
  • Her favorite color is pink! And blue, and yellow, and red.
Negative TraitsDislikes
  • Naive
  • Crybaby
  • Stubborn
  • Condescending 
  • Feeling dumb
  • Negativity
  • When people don't do what shes says...

Short Summary:

Bonnie is an over enthused field agent at Dulce de Leche who likes to think of the base as more of a high security summer camp than a prison. She does her best to be cheery and uplift the inmates and staff around her and often her demeanor is so saccharine it comes off as condescending. She has little fear of monsters and believes in her heart that there’s good in everyone, even brain eating mutants.

Job Description:

Bonnie is one of the many field agents forced to work at Dulce de Leche, but since she is still considered a rookie most of her duties are more internal than actual work in the field. She is more like a prison warden meets zookeeper, tasked with keeping the inmates in line as well as looking after the many different creatures the base houses.

Bonnie also runs her own “rehabilitation” program where she tries to help some of the nastier prisoners work through their aggression and general evilness and become more like model citizens through activities like poetry readings and art classes... Although this is not officially in her job description and no one actually asked her to do this.

The DirectorHe is almost like a father figure to her. She doesn't believe he's as bad as everyone says and she is not afraid to test his boundaries. Her dream is for him to reveal his softer side to her. (Spoiler alert, he doesn’t have one)
ColeHer best friend! They knew each other in high school but were never close and only became friends once they were assigned to be partners. She relies on him a lot and feels that she can trust him with her life. Her only wish is that he would trust her the same way.
GreyBecause grey is so tiny and his head is so big, she can't help but think of him as a baby! Even despite the fact that he is more than three times her age.
KlackzarHer other best friend, and her first successful rehabilitation!


Detailed Summary:

Pre Dulce de Leche:

At Dulce de Leche:

Like most new recruits and Dulce de Leche, Bonnie was terrified and awestruck when she first started, but she warmed up to the place very quickly. Bonnie's positive outlook gave her an advantage 
