


5 years, 8 days ago


Name: Original name lost to time, goes by Coath or just Rat Man
Age: 24 at time of cursing
Pronouns: he/him
Species: formerly human
Height: 4'6'

Pleasant and kind, Coath is easily one of the most normal and well adjusted members of his small town. He is constantly plagued with ailments that vary from day to day, but he tends to not let it get to him. Hes learned to be somewhat overwhelmingly positive, otherwise hes just contributing more negativity for no reason. Since being cursed, hes actually became more extroverted. The other members of the town have mixed opinions on him, many finding him annoying and many appreciating his efforts, depends how you take his optimism. He spends most of his time fixing what other members of the community destroy or leave to rot, giving him something to do in a place where time has stopped. Keeping going is one of the ways he doesnt let the negative thoughts set in (please dont let it set in). He lives in a little house with his two good friends and considers their company invaluable. He doesnt like to be alone, and is thankful that theres a lot of noise and chatter from the three of them. Hes constantly fighting back a subtle dread, but it could be worse, hes not one to complain. 

-despite his optimism and cheerful personality, he is not gullible and always expects the worst of people
-cannot die through means relating to his sporadic ailments, he just has to wait them out
-any injuries, including fatal ones, will be undone the next day when he would normally wake up, no one understands or sees how this happens but it is unique in that while no one can die, if you mangle someone or trap them they dont just wake up in their bed good as new but with the flu the next day
-has given up trying to get all of his clothes stain free
-very hairy all over
-has open lacerations on his back, they never heal but dont hurt, though hes kinda embarrassed by them
-only thyme and abattre can pick him up without him biting(and boy does he bite hard)
-sometimes just needs day to sleep in but only does so when someone else is home too