


8 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Longwei or Wei










Adopted from Xiozen of deviantART


Personality: Loyal and caring to those who deserve it; brave-hearted; has a bit of an ego; and tends to prefer being on his own.

Likes: Using swords in combat; wielding his Dual Blades; hunting monsters; and annoying his hunting partner Chen.

Dislikes: His father forcing him to join the hunter army; the idea of being emperor; Chen to some degree; and losing control to his Dual Blades Demonization mode.

Hobbies: Practicing his swordsmanship; hunting monsters with Chen; sparring with others from his kingdom.

Wei was born the son of an emperor in the world of Monster Hunter, while growing up studying to succeed his father as emperor he learned he had an interest in swordsmanship from watching castle guards spar with one another. This interest sparked the idea of him sneaking out at night in order to practice sword wielding on his own, much to the dislike of his father who wanted him only to focus on becoming emperor and keeping any foolish ideas of being a swordsman out of his head.

As Wei continued to grow into his young adult years he had enough of his father demanding he be emperor and finally confessed to him that he had no interest in ruling his kingdom, his father becoming completely speechless to his confession. The next words his father uttering being ones that Wei didn't want to hear, if he had no true interest in becoming emperor he would be forced to leave the kingdom and join the hunter's union to become a soldier, his father having no place for those without an occupation in his kingdom.

Days later Wei was left to board a ship to the mainland in order to become a hunter, while on the ship he met up with another hunter recruit named Chen who he quickly learned would be his partner alongside their two Palicoes. While they were at each others throats to begin with they soon realized they needed to stick by one another and work together as the ship was attacked by a giant monster. Upon reaching land they were officially thrust into a team together and were on their way to start doing quests in order to become true hunters.