The Many



7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


The Many is sometimes referred to as 'the sum' or 'the whole' by the denizens of their domain, though it's used interchangeably with their proper title and doesn't get Meaningful Caps.


The Many has formed previously a few times - only ever when *Lunar feels like they're in a safer place in life than usual. Each time they only really remember their current iteration; in the rp they start existing once more over the timeskip. Cumulatively from the many past *Lunars comprising them, they're old - but mentally they're pretty much the same as *Lunar, a young adult just hitting their 'angry agitator for what's Right' phase.


Pansexual and ready to T


Within their domain, the Many is practically a god - they can rearrange it all at will, and be wherever they want to be in an instant. Outside of their domain, they can float, and shift their physical form minor amounts. They often only change it as a reflection of their emotions. They also have a limited ability to manifest things from their memories - they can hand you, say, a cup of tea they remember once drinking, or conjure a brief phantom of a person that might just speak, then vanish.


Skilled as hell at compartmentalizing. They're very confident! And if you were to ask one of their domain's denizens, make for a very caring, compassionate ruler. Though, uh, since these denizens are half-the Many themselves, half limited manifestations of old personalities, you COULD take that with a grain of salt...


Their anger is consuming and they often can't think past it at all. Probably...TOO confident; they rarely find fault with their own actions directly, instead breaking things down into parts they've witnessed in their many lesser selves and placing blame on 'things that can't be helped, you see,' or 'regrettable tendencies; we are working on breaking those.' Acknowledging they were completely, utterly wrong about something they did is a big damn ordeal. Contrary to their ultra-confidence, when they DO acknowledge they were absolutely, irrevocably fucking up, they get frustratingly meek. Learn to take active responsibility, Hibiscus! --so, TL;DR: they're p damn infuriating in that when you point out bullshit, they're just as like to agree overmuch while STILL absolving themselves as they are to dismiss you entirely. And then when something really gets to them they shut down.


The second-stage Fetter of *Lunar-Pocket Mark VI. Their true name is Hibiscus. The Many is grandiose and power-hungry, and has a lackadaisical attitude to whomever they might have to tread over to get what they seek. No one's ever going to hurt them again, hahah!

When The Many speaks, one or multiple of their little moon hours light up and kinda light-lip-synch to what they’re saying, and each one has a different voice. Sometimes the moon-hours all laugh at the same time and it sounds Horrible.

They refer to themselves as 'we,' conversely to The Empty, who uses 'I.'

I have one theme I made for The Many here.

The Many's domain is a hollow sphere. The Many presides over the domain from the hollow middle, whereas a thriving metropolis lines the inside of the sphere. The denizens of this domain are all modelled after previous avatars of *Lunar's, though it's difficult to say whether the population represents the true number of past faces they've worn - whether it's more, or less. Some don't use their old avatars at all, though, preferring to appear as moon hours similar to the circle of twelve that make up The Many's 'head.'

The Many, above all else, absolutely cherishes *Lunar, and all their iterations. They nurse an immense anger towards pretty much everyone *Lunar has ever known, and believes everyone is just using them in their perpetual vulnerability - a vulnerability that The Many believes they know how to cure. The Many sees *Lunar, naturally, as themselves; a stray member of their flock, a precious cell of their body, that they can only attempt to influence and advise, but cannot yet truly protect.

They're also nursing a, uh, rather worrisome belief that the true way to liberate all *Lunars from their woeful lot in life is to unite them all into their collective.

Interestingly, The Many - and *Lunar themself - are capable of experiencing physical sensation only in a comparative context - they can feel things, but only through recall of sensations from the memories *Lunar inherited from *Hyun-ae. *Lunar tends to do this only in an intellectual capacity so that they can understand people they're interacting with better, but The Many just likes to feel things, in general, and likes seeking information to refine the accuracy of their whole sensory-substitution trick.