Lucelia "Lucifer" Ramsford



Lucelia Ramsford is a member of the once, well-known, rich household found in the kingdom of Tetracoasta. She was known to be quite proud of her lineage and did well within her studies. Although, one day she was ambushed by some strange men and killed in cold blood...

Alternative Universe, The Corruption:

The mutated Q-Stein Plague had seeped into the soils of Tetracoasta for years until it festered an abomination of the grave of Lucelia Ramsford. She was the first to awaken from the graveyard after heeding a call from the one that called itself ‘The Purifier.’ Once awoken, she realized the life force she had was not of the living nor the dead, rather the damned. The power she held set her role within the undead as the queen of the hive-mind who sought to