


8 years, 14 days ago


designed by Waschmittelpulver (deviantart / toyhou.se)

Grem2 are a closed species of the Palleth world, created and owned by MrGremble (deviantart / toyhou.se)


Kairo's design by Waschmittelpulver

Grem2 Information


   K A I R O     
"Kai", "Lucky"

"I'm all in."


b a s i c s

full name: Kairos
Kairo, Kai, Lucky
species: Grem2 
None (he/him or they/them pronouns) 
30 years
height: 6'2"
weight: 230 lbs.
occupation: [Illicit] business negotiator, gambler
residence: Lofts in Rallome & Vercia 
relationship preferences: Prefers masculines grems. (not seeking)



    Kai was created for a wealthy gambler known as Diamondback. He spent his formative years close by his owner's side, learning how to play various card games - and how to cheat. But Kai's time with his owner was not long-lived. The man was incarcerated after a lengthy investigation and several dodged arrests.  

    The grem, having been treated as the man's child might have been, viewed it as his coming-of-age - the time to strike out on his own and not look back. So he did, venturing further into the criminal underworld than his owner had. Kai sought employment as a liaison in gambling rings. Sometimes he acted as a messenger, sometimes he held funds, and he always watched and learned. He made social connections and eventually became more involved in gambling himself, then became a negotiator for more distinguished clients - namely crime bosses who need to move illegal goods and bargain for territory in the city - a job that keeps even Kai busy. But, true to his roots, Kai still plays cards and gambles on the side.



  • Brisk
       Kai is an energetic grem who always seems to be up to something, whether he's physically on the move or not. He's a fast talker and it's easy to get lost when he's trying to outpace you in a conversation - you might even find yourself agreeing to something you didn't intend to.
  • Intrepid
    He's an infamous risk-taker, putting the property and wellbeing of himself and others on the line for a chance at a greater return. 
  • Unscrupulous
       Besides lacking compunction with regards to gambling and swindling, Kai has no reservations about profiting from street fighting or forced fighting rings.
  • Audacious
    Kai is a bit of a loudmouth - he often makes bold, cheeky comments and always has a comeback ready.
  • "Lucky"
       One of his most notable traits is his incredible knack for somehow being in the right place at the right time. It might be that he's just well-connected, but Kai always seems to be able to seize rare and lucrative opportunities, to the benefit of him and his employers.
  • Gregarious
    Kai loves to be surrounded by other grems - and not just to make money off of them.



  • Despite the existence of motorcycles made specifically for grems, Kai usually sticks with his former owner's classic bike. He'd say he was just used to it, but in truth he had never ridden it alone before his owner's incarceration. Still, he has the means to buy a grem bike that he rides too on occasion.
  • He doesn't race competitively. His main bike is the one thing he's never risked in a bet.
  • He's frequents bars, parties, motorgrem races, brothels, and his associates' homes.
  • If he's wearing clothes at all, it's usually designer sportswear.
  • Voice: Oscar Isaac 




 r e l a t i o n s h i p s

  • Patron
        Naga - As one of his many employers, Naga pays Kai to negotiate trade and territory deals with other crime lords. The two have a long history; Kai has been in the game longer than Naga, and worked with the mantagrem before his crime syndicate was even a concept. Though he's younger than the mantagrem, he likes to tease Naga that the syndicate is partially his own creation - and he's not wrong.
  • Confidante
    Alexius - Kairo is Alexius' closest friend, having introduced him to the world outside of his home. Alexius is still never without Kairo when exploring the city, and claims it's because he just can't stand anyone else's presence for very long. Kairo suspects it's because he's afraid, but for all he likes to tease the smaller grem he would never say that aloud. In truth, it may just be because Alexius is so abrasive to others off-stage - or because he likes the dangerous company Kairo keeps. The two have developed a complex but easy bond, the significance of which goes unspoken by either but is evident to anyone else.
  • Friend
    Orion - As the one who enabled Orion's friend Nadia's acquittal and Orion's subsequent employment, Kairo is obviously someone Orion is grateful to - but he's also a potentially dangerous grem to be around considering all of the risks he takes and shady business he has a hand in. Due to this, the two have taken a very long time to become close, and Orion still doesn't completely trust him.
  • Friendly rival
    Lysandra - While their (waning) ethical differences might seem reason for Lysandra and Kairo to be at odds with one another, the determination they both share has led them into a great number of drinking contests, ridiculous dares, and heated card games. The two are a recipe for disaster or diversion - often both.
  • Client
    - Kairo's taken on the task of procuring clients and securing contracts for the hitgrem Penumbra.
  • Friend, fellow motorgrem
    Honey - Since Honey's first stay at Dynasty, Kairo and she have been fast friends. Months later, this became literal -- Kairo gifted Honey'd first grem motorcycle to her, and invited her to join his biker gang.
  • Friend, gambling buddy
        Carmine - If one is spotted placing bets, the other is almost surely at his elbow offering advice. Kairo and Carmine both enjoy indulging in similar pursuits; since meeting, Carmine's lost bets have become fewer and Kairo's winnings have become larger.
  • Friend
  • Friend
  • Friend
  • Friend