


7 years, 11 months ago


designed by Sweet-n-treat (deviantart)

Grem2 are a closed species of the Palleth world, created and owned by MrGremble (deviantart / toyhou.se)


Alexius' design by Sweet-n-treat

Grem2 Information


   A L E X I U S     
{ no nicknames unless you're looking for a fight }

"Make your every act difficult to follow."


b a s i c s

name: Alexius 
None (use nicknames at your own peril; he insists on being proper)
species: Grem2
Male, but pretty fluid in presentation (he/him pronouns)
28 years
height: 5'5"
170 lbs.
occupation: Theatre manager & director
residence: His owner's estate & theatre in a Vercian city 
relationship preferences: Prefers masculines grems, monogamous. (not seeking)



    Commissioned by the owner of a prestigious theatre, Alexius was trained to entertain the man's frequent guests. He was quite the impresario, taking great pride in the plays and music he orchestrated. For years he was content to bask in the admiration of his owner's guests. They would even bring him gifts, which were often new scripts or sheet music. But his owner was a peculiar and possessive man; the estate had no windows, televisions, computers, or radios accessible to Alexius. For all the grem knew, they didn't exist. Alexius wasn't allowed to leave the house and their guests were instructed to guard their words and avoid talking about the outside.

    It wasn't meant to last. As profitable as Alexius' owner's theatre was, the man sought more. To open discussions for illicit business arrangements, he contacted a grem named Kairo - a crime lord's negotiator. Immediately upon seeing Alexius, Kairo took a personal interest in the pampered, sheltered grem that seemed to supersede his business interests. Unbeknownst to the theatre owner, Kairo persuaded Alexius to leave his home and see the city that he had never had a glimpse of. They visited the crime lord's club, ate in restaurants, and even saw a play in Alexius' owner's theatre. Alexius, who had only ever known romanticized stories of life, was at once repulsed and intrigued by reality. 

    And he was angry to have been controlled and lied to. Back home, he confronted his master, who pleaded for his pet to stay with him. Despite it all, Alexius agreed to stay on the condition that he could also work in the theatre as its manager. He couldn't bear to give up the luxury he'd always known. His owner still has some control over his life, but Alexius frequently slips away to explore the city.



  • Aloof
        When he's not putting on a performance for an audience, Alexius is content to be unapproachable.
  • Prideful
        He always walks with his head held high and can't be cowed into submission even under dire circumstances.
  • Haughty
       ... But his pride ventures into pompousness. Alexius is prone to being snarky and dismissive.
  • Jealously protective
       Like his owner, he sometimes becomes very possessive, loath to share property or even friends.
  • Inquisitive
       Despite his disdain for most things, he can't help but be fascinated by what goes on outside of his home and theatre.
  • Sheltered
       When he's roaming the city, Alexius is often surprised by new things - something he can hide from most with the exception of Kairo.
  • Slight
       Alexius is physically small and has no martial skills - he fights his battle with insults and by paying others to fight for him.



  • He spends a lot of his time working, and a little at exclusive, high-end bars and events. Sometimes Kairo takes him to underground motorgrem races.
  • His owner takes care of his finances and Alex is on poor terms with him, so the grem spends lavishly.
  • He collects scripts and sheet music. His most prized ones are rare, and sometimes ancient. Alexius' owner's connection to the Dynasty syndicate enables his hobby.



 r e l a t i o n s h i p s

  • Confidante
    Kairo - Kairo is Alexius' closest friend, having introduced him to the world outside of his home. Alexius is still never without Kairo when exploring the city, and claims it's because he just can't stand anyone else's presence for very long. Kairo suspects it's because he's afraid, but for all he likes to tease the smaller grem he would never say that aloud. In truth, it may just be because Alexius is so abrasive to others off-stage - or because he likes the dangerous company Kairo keeps. The two have developed a complex but easy bond, the significance of which goes unspoken by either but is evident to anyone else.
  • Friend
        Penumbra - The thespian and the gun get along famously,  sharing gossip over drinks at the Dynasty headquarters.
  • Not-friend
        Honey - The two share a friend in Penumbra, Honey does not understand his attitude and Alexius does not understand her reclusiveness.
  • Pet
        Guile - More of a co-pet really, seeing how Alexius and Guile both belong to the same human. Having been competitors for their owner's attention before Alexius gained some freedom, the two have found commonality in their shared love and resentment of their owner - well, as much as two creatures who don't speak the same language can. While they don't keep each other's company out of the house, Alexius ensures that whenever he leaves, Guile can escape the house too.
  • Occasional colleague, one-sided rival
        Sutekh - The grems occasionally work together on theatre productions, and from Sutekh's perspective they're simply respectful colleagues. Sutekh often offers constructive criticism, but it's only after working through a lot of reluctance and envy over how easily Sutekh collaborates with their other colleagues that Alexius will finally come to terms with the value of the advice. And he'd never admit it to Sutekh's face. Sutekh on the other hand admires Alexius' work and dedication, and likes to offer suggestions to the director then step back and handle the minutiae while Alexius makes the executive decisions.
  • Former student, occasional colleague
        Idris - They began their respective careers with the same theatre production - Alexius as a director and Idris as an actor. Idris was inexperienced but eager and fit a lead role, so Alexius trained him rigorously. The two continued to worked together for three more productions, but after encouragement by their new colleague Sutekh, Idris went from dabbling in design to commitment. Alexius and Idris began working on different projects, but still keep in touch, and get along well when they happen to end up on the same productions.
  • Idol
        Lyric - The two met through Naga and have scarcely made direct contact since. On occasion Naga and Lyric will attend Alexius' plays, but Lyric seems to have little time to even offer niceties. It's a quality that Alexius admires. The more he's learned about Lyric, the more Alexius fears and idolizes him; Lyric's total rejection of life with a well-known singing actress, his high position in Dynasty's hierarchy without feeling any need to engage in the group socially, and his infamous ongoing romance with Naga make Lyric a formidable figure to Alexius. Lyric is one of the few who could silence Alexius with a look - it's to Alexius' woe and relief that he so rarely spares him a glance.
  • Friend, lawyer
        Lysandra - Nothing could persuade Alexius to consider litigation against his owner but an impassioned argument for justice and the possibility of being admired by other grems pursuing the same thing, and that's precisely what Lysandra offers Alexius every time they drink together. But Alexius is a holdout and Lysandra knows he might always be, so their talks are purely hypothetical. Still, their discussions have inspired some of Alexius' plays, and one of Lysa's speeches became a monologue nearly verbatim. Since the two became friends, Alexius' owner has had to deal with public scrutiny and critical introspection after nearly every new play's opening night.
  • Friend
  • Friend
  • Acting student
        Carmine - To make his performances on shows more refined and his testimony during trials more compelling, Carmine has taken to visiting Alexius' theatre for semi-regular acting lessons after they met through Dynasty.