Muir Kendrick



5 years, 1 month ago


Also for BNHA : Ken Adachi

Info :

Name's: Muir Kendrick

Age: 24

Gender: Male 

Home: Whiteburn in the capital city in Cradia Empire

Where they were born: Whiteburn in the capital city in Cradia Empire

Organization: The soulless 

Magic: Water magic, Puppetry magic, Curse magic

Fake child of legend special trait: Animal mimicry, the lower half of his body can transform into a shark, without using mana

Magic item or consequence: He experiences extreme pain while using magic and has to feed on magical essence like real children of legend but less often

Other :
- He has many scars on his body
- He has a temper but it's not his choice, it's from the demon inside him
- He's a bit of a masochist
- He likes animals, especially sea creatures
- He doesn't accept kindness well, it confuses him
- He has trouble with women because of the isolation he was raised in

Mini Bio: Muir was born in a facility on the palace grounds of the Cradia empire. His mother died giving birth to him in the same way the other children's did. Many of the children didn't survive. They were magical test subjects and each had a demon inside them trying to merge, most children couldn't, weren't strong enough to merge so they died. When he was around five his odd traits began to emerge, it was incredibly painful, his hair turning blue wasn't painful but losing most of his teeth for sharp ones was. While his eyes changed to black he couldn't see, the pain of his horns growing in was excruciating and nearly drove him mad. Then he was made to learn magic and hand to hand combat and if he underperformed they wouldn't give him dinner or deprive him of sleep. When he was about thirteen they started to send him into the field in one of Croatia's many ongoing battles. Since the project was so successful the emperor started a military team just for the fabricated children of legend like him and he was chosen as the captain of the squad, it was named 'The Soulless'. The team was sent on high ranking missions or when the emperor wanted a conflict solved quickly but they were treated as weapons' not people and had far fewer rights than other soldiers. His heart had grown cold through the countless years of pain and violence, it seemed like he would forever live in the dark but he might just need someone to show him the way towards the light.