[ BNHA ] Narumi Katoaka



5 years, 4 months ago


  • Toshinori pairing
  • Age is around 32 years old and 5'2"
  • Hair Quirk that allows her hair to turn into a weapon
    - motherfucking hair sword binch
    - Trichokinesis: Narumi can control the movement and overall shape of her hair as if it were countless appendages. Through concentration, she can shift her hair into any weapon shape aside from projectiles. She can turn it into a whip to grab enemies and throw them far distances, as well as bind persons or objects with it but can't lift above a certain weight. Narumi can also manipulate her hair needle thin to pick locks or extract minuscule items. Although she has no nerve endings in her hair, she can "feel" sensations on all parts of her hair.
    - Her hair grows pretty quickly and it's pretty long, normally kept up unless she's fighting in which it's down to make full use of it's length and power
    - If the hair is cut then the weapon fails and it's just hair that ends up blowing away
    - She can form her hair into different weapons, as long as she knows what they look like
    - Unfortunately, she can't turn her hair into projectiles (i.e: guns, bombs, etc.)
    - If she overuses it, it can give her bad headaches as well as thin and damage her hair in the long run
  • She's the motherly type, but when pushed too far, she'll let you have it when enough is enough
  • She tends to wear a lot of bows, and each bow she wears is special and somehow resembles the person she received it from (i.e: color, style, etc.)
  • Pretty decent at hand-to-hand and weaving in techniques with her hair to catch others off guard