Chase Aphtar



5 years, 4 months ago


Chase has a difficult time expression his emotions, and thus attempts to interact with others by being clever and silly, often making jokes to cover up his flaws, or to change the subject. When confronted by a new situation he doesn't know how to handle, he reacts either with aggression or he'll give up.

In Canterlot High, Chase is a popular kid and know quiet well at school, despite being a Freshman. He already had several friends, but he started to pick on another Freshman named Spritz. Surprisingly although he was picking on him, Chase simply was trying to befriend Spritz, in an odd way. He didn't like how Spritz was always along but didn't know how to approach him, because Spritz always denied friendship offers.

After awhile, during the events that Sunset Shimmer caused, the school became over-run by Changeling students from Equestria, and a shadowy creature named Seatao trapped all the students inside the school. During this time, Spritz and Chase finally became friends, when Chase told him his constant harassment was a cry for friendship. Later Guillotine claimed Spritz and Chase as his new "friends" however, Chase was having a difficult time befriending Guillotine's friends Catnip, Trance, Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter. So Spritz made the effort to become friends with them to make Chase more comfortable.

Chase joins the others in an attempt to free Canterlot High from the Changelings, and confront Seatao so the students can be released. Seatao sends the students on various missions and eludes the kids much to the annoyance of Chase. However Chase enjoys the new world he was through into because he can't handle the situations a little better with his new friends, and fears losing them after everything goes back to normal.