


4 years, 11 months ago



Evil Sorceress Security Guard


The Hell Sorceress. The Master of the Infernal Crystal. The Treasure Hunter of the Infinite Cold. Magical Vogue's "Covergirl of the Year." Aurora racked up titles, accolades, nicknames, and condemnations as the world's greatest and only sorceress. She used her power for personal gain, which was going pretty well for her until she was arrested, imprisoned in Magic Jail, and stripped of her magic.

Life's a bitch.

Two years later, an unexpected opportunity emerges. In exchange for not being in jail, Aurora agrees to act as a security guard at St Murgatroyd's Magical Academy, which has been experiencing attacks from an unknown source. Correctly believing that Aurora is not to be trusted, the school uses a magical limiter to control Aurora's access to magic. It is personally controlled by Professor Alexander Westley, who disapproves of her presence very much and very vocally.

When she's not trying to look badass in public places, Aurora spends her time on a balcony, looking out over the school grounds into the distance, dreaming of freedom and maybe revenge.

Initially, she experiences anger, desperation, and loneliness. As time goes on, she begins to grow fond of the school, and, though she'd never admit it, she thinks she and Professor Alexander make a pretty good team. 


Sorcerers are very unusual in this world. When Aurora is able to feel and use magic, she describes the feeling as "finally being able to breathe." It is a sixth sense for her, so when she is using magic, her appearance and expression is often very ethereal, as if she's overcome by the feeling. She can appear almost inhuman, or goddess-like. 

Design Notes

★ Tall and slender
★ Long blonde hair that "floats" around her
★ Icy blue eyes
Work outfit (pinterest board)
Magic outfit (pinterest board)

code by [snail-legs]