Arcane - Eden Ek



4 years, 11 months ago



Eden Ek

  • Name: Eden Ek
  • Date of Birth: 23 February
  • Age: 27
  • Gender + pronouns: Agender | They/Them
  • Height: 166cm
  • Hair Color: Bleached white (natural: dark brown)
  • Eye Color: Unknown
  • Blood Type: B-
  • Occupation: University student, Pro-Hero (currently working as a substitute teacher at U.A.)
  • Affiliation: U.A.
  • Birth-Place: Osaka prefecture
  • Status: Active
  • Personality


    Compassionate | Selfless | Creative | Hardworking | Idealistic | Introvert | Quiet | Obedient | Reserved | Insecure | Emotional | Disorganized

    Eden’s biggest quality is being able to see something good in everyone, they’re willing to give a second chance to anyone who asks for it and believe no one is truly evil; this led them to be too trusty and even naive way too many times, but they refuse to change. They’re convinced there’s always time to be redeemed and choose to do the right thing, that’s why they will never to give up on the ones that came to them. This is both influenced and influences their ideals which they shaped their life around. They have a blind faith in justice and in the idea that a better world is possible if people tried to be just a bit kinder to each other.

    Reality has proven to be harsh on them, and they often fear they might collapse under it, their emotions and pains suffocating them and making them question if what they made was truly the right choice. They’re afraid of this part of themselves and refuse to let the world see it; this leads to them accumulating huge amounts of stress and repressed emotions that lead their mental health downward.

    They come from a troubled past that convinced them they can’t share this weight with anyone and ultimately let them devoid of close bonds or even just trusted ones they can rely one, making them very lonely. They had many dreams that were shattered and left painful scars, leaving them hollow and without any hope for the future, until they finally got rid of their past and were free to move forward, becoming a pro-hero and then a teacher.

    Entering the world of pro-heroes made them realize their ideals are just that and the world is a lot more complicated than their dreams made it seem. And unjust too. How much will they stick to the lawful and obedient persona they built, before they’ll finally find the courage to stand up against all of that?

  • Likes + Sad books
    + Tattoos
    + History
    + Doodling on their hands
    +Heavy Metal concerts
    + The quiet hours in the middle of the night

  • Dislikes - Feeling vulnerable
    - Inappropriate questions
    - Dirty glasses
    - Noisy environments
    - Not wearing their mask
    - Press conferences

  • Trivia
    • ● No one has never seen their face, they always wear their mask or a pair of glasses with lenses so thick they hide their eyes.
    • ● Eden’s parents were immigrant from Sweden, while they were born in Japan.
    • ● Their surname “Ek” means “oak” in Swedish, while their first name, “Eden”, comes from Hebrew, it means “pleasure” or “delight”.
    • ● Despite working at U.A. they’re still in university, their major is archaeology.
    • ● They’re currently working as a history teacher at U.A.
    • ● They’re an underground hero who avoids any contacts with the press; due to this little to nothing is known about them by civilians.
    • ● They didn’t get their hero license until they were in their early 20s.
    • ● The person they’re closest to among the U.A. staff is All Might, Eden has admired him since they were a kid, while him took a liking for them thanks to aspects of their personality reminding him of Midoriya.
    • ● Arcane and Kamui Woods became friends over the constant joking about them hiding their faces.
    • ● They have a rather big scar on their nape, which they got when they tried to stop a villain long before they became a pro-hero.
    • ● They are missing part of their right ear, it was the result of a rough fight with the Hero Killer.
  • Hero name: Arcane
  • Quirk: Ink Manipulation
  • Type: Emitter

  • They can move ink both on its support or out of it; they can use it to edit pictures or writings, but also use it as a solid/fluid material; they use the ink of their tattoo as a weapon or extension of their arms, they carry small vessels full of ink to use during battles, often uses them as a shield, or also as supports to move (like for jumping or to soften landings) can also use it to block the enemy's movement, or as a net.

    The effectiveness of their quirks highly depends from their mental health state: the more anxious they are, the less controllable the ink is, they can still move it, but it lacks of consistency and is unusable as a weapon, if they get too anxious or stressed, the ink goes out of control or stops moving at all. Using their quirk requires a huge amount of brain-work, which leads to migraines; it tires Ek out as if they were doing physical activity.

    • ● A snake surrounded by flames on the left arm, the tip of the tail is wrapped on the shoulder, the head is on the back of their hand. They use it as an extention of the arm or move it to form a weapon; their favourite is a scythe.
    • ● A pentacle on the nape. Mostly there just for aesthethic, can use it as a last ink resource if the situation calls for it.
    • ● An eye on their lower chest.
    • ● A deer skull surrounded by roses on their groin.
  • Fighting Style: Medium-close range combat, ambush
  • ● Ink weapon(s): Shapes and solidifies ink in the shape of a weapon of their choice, the most used is a scythe and later a sword.
  • ● Containment attack: Arcane charges the enemy with an ink weapon that turns into tendrils upon impact, they wrap around the target and immobilizes them.
  • ● General containment: Ink is used to bind the enemy .

Power: 2/5 (D)
Speed: 1/5 (E)
Technique: 6/5 (S)
Intelligence: 5/5 (A)
Cooperativeness: 3/5 (C)
Total: 17/25

profile html by Hukiolukio