


5 years, 4 months ago



  • Name Sparkstar
  • Rank Leader
  • Gender Female
  • Age 37 moons
  • Mate? N/A
  • Kits? N/A
  • Siblings N/A
  • Layout watergems



Sparkstar is brave cat, she does not get scared at all. Sometimes she gets afraid a bit, so she tries to calm down. Although she once was in a rainstorm, she was not afraid, leaving a little bit amount of fear outside and many inside.

Sparkstar is a very talkative cat. She sometimes interrupts conversations, making some cats angry. Some clan cats might say she is annoying. She likes to talk and have fun with cats. She is barely silent at all except when there are no cats around.

Sometimes, Sparkstar might be jealous of something. When a cat finds a big prey but she found a small prey, she starts to get jealous, but does not shout it out. Sparkstar trys to calm down and let the cat have the big prey and she can have the small prey.

And, Sparkstar might be a nice cat. She isn't always nice though. Greeting others, give prey, many good things. All good. But when a cat does something bad on accident, she takes it roughly, assuming it was not a mistake.

Finally, Sparkstar loves to go on a walk and explore her area around her clan territory. She is curious about the area around her, and discovering things. She does like going for treasure.


Never really scared, almost always an expressionless face. When Sparkstar was little, she was in a big storm once, did not even care about it. Although her mother was worried if Sparkpaw gets a cold, so she kept purring. Sadly Sparkpaw did not arrive. The mother was even more afraid, so she came and brought her back.

During the night, Sparkpaw decided to leave the area she's on, going for a walk, until she stumbled upon a clan territory. She crossed the clan border and went inside, seeing the clan dens. One of the clan cats heard the noise that Sparkpaw made and woke up. They tried to tell her to leave. She left the border, went out slowly with thirst and hunger. As she walked, she found a freshwater lake she can take a sip on. With hunger and no places to go, she might've left her homeplace.

Going on a far trip, she noticed that her home was far away. Sparkpaw looked for a prey to catch, she caught a rabbit. More rabbits, and so on. Arriving at the forest, remebered where her home was. Sparkpaw ran into the forest, and into her home. She surprised her mother!



When Sparkstar met Darkwhisker, he did not know anything about warrior and clans were. So when Sparkstar explained to him, he looked pretty excited to join the clan. Sparkstar is very talkactive and Darkwhisker would be likely stare at Sparkstar to look at her glare looking face. They look like they aren't friends but they're two cats that actually knew each other long ago, they're friends. Sparkstar and Darkwhisker may also play chase game, they try to chase each other to pretend they got prey and fresh-kill. Spark and Dark likes to play and run together. They are having lots of fun!