Nisiko Wairan



5 years, 4 months ago


Nisiko Wairan



Saccharine Sweetheart


Blood: Gold
Aspect: Doom
Powers: burned out, wispy psionics
Sign: Gemulei, The Nebulous
Concepts: personal psionic charter ships, sugar babies/enjo-kōsai, pastels, cubic zirconia, aesthetics, soft girl season
Lunar Sway: Prospit


  • Boba tea
  • Enamel pins with butterfly clasps
  • Gel inserts for shoes
  • Cute sunglasses


  • Cold things
  • Her old job
  • Loud music
  • Staining her Vans




💘Glucose grub
💘Gets the best things in life for free
💘Can’t see without her rose tinted glasses


Your name is NISIKO WAIRAN.

You are what some might consider a SOFT GIRL. CUTESY and APPROACHABLE. Which is very, very necessary when you’ve made a lifestyle of PIGGYBACKING on HIGHBLOOD WEALTH. It’s terribly on the nose to call you a GOLD DIGGER-- though it’s out of necessity, rather than laziness. Your earlier sweeps were spent working as a PERSONAL PSIONIC CHARTER and it BURNT YOU OUT. Your psionics are wispy at best now, though it doesn’t matter when all you have to worry about is ADORABLE FASHION and LOFI SOFT MUSIC and small things, like THE CRUSHING WEIGHT OF JUDGEMENT ON YOUR EVERY MOVE. No biggie, just keep all the volatile highblood quadrantmates of yours PLEASED and you won’t be KICKED TO THE CURB. How could you go back to your hole in the wall hive when you can afford so much more now?

You’re secure for the time being, you think. You are TRUE TO YOUR WORD and always do what you’re paid for. You’re POLITE, almost to a fault. It’s come with the territory of being ARM CANDY-- you know how to handle yourself. Handle yourself publicly, at least. You’re a PROBLEM outside of the public that is your office. You DEPEND on your quadrantmates-- it’s made you CLINGY beyond belief. You stick to your mates like SICKLY SWEET TAFFY. They say they’ll NEVER LEAVE you, but that’s what the last bunch said. You’re OVERWORKED and CHRONICALLY TIRED as a lasting impact from your psionic work, but it gets easier every day. It’s certainly a lot EASIER TO SMILE when you’re being SPOILED SENSELESS.

Your trolltag is brioletteBail and you wishh youu wouuld be takenn mmore seriously whhenn youu speak unu.


Ancestor: The __
Dancestor: __ Wairan

Details and Extras

Name Etymology:
Nisiko - Nisiko - from “hikui saido” which is low saturation in Japanese as well as “nise” which is fake in Japanese, and the latter half of her name comes from V. V. Osiko who was a Russian guy that perfected the technique of making cubic zirconia
Wairan - comes from "yawarakai" which is soft in Japanese

Trolltag Definitions:
Briolette - "an elongated pear-shaped gemstone cut with facets, and it is often drilled to hang as a bead", it's a tear-like cut for gems
Bail - " A bail is the metal portion of a pendant via which the pendant hangs from the chain or cord", as well as "the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court"/"money paid as security for the release of an accused person". It relates to her being paid for and spoken for, plus it's another jewelry term

Design by me, sprite by aliensfromanalien!

HTML by lowkeywicked