Saelihn Oriandyr (Relationships)




Best Friend, Party Member


Jelenneth Featherheart

Jelenneth Featherheart is someone who has made an incredible impression on Saelihn. She is her first real and true friend, having met her in Deerwood by chance and stuck by her side in all the time thereafter. Her bubbly, joyful, charismatic personality is so different from how Saelihn carries herself, and yet she feels a need to stay by her, like the earth orbiting the sun. She has shared with her so many parts of herself that she had otherwise sworn to keep hidden, and has sought her advice for all issues unfamiliar to her. Watching her fight against all odds and put her passion and determination into everything she does - perform, fight, sing, dance - has inspired Saelihn to go beyond her own limits. She would gladly follow Jelenneth into hell if she must, and plans to remain her companion for life.

Close Friend, Party Member



The events in Deerwood have bonded Saelihn to Lou, as well as Dalya and Jelenneth, for life. Even if it took time to warm up to one another, and even longer afterwards to truly begin opening up, Lou is someone that Saelihn treasures and loves dearly. She will never forget her efforts in the battle against the demons in Deerwood, nor will she ever forget the vulnerable moments they shared recently in Shadehost. During her absence, Saelihn found herself wishing to the gods - any of them - for Lou's safety, despite knowing that she is more than capable of herself. To have met again in Shadehost has filled her with the type of joy one would feel upon seeing their sister after a long separation, for Lou is someone she considers as family.

Close Friend, Party Member


Ottili Kesmit

Like anyone, Saelihn took a bit of time warming up to Ottili. However, in travelling together and sharing the truths of their circumstances alongside the other girls, she has come to love and care for her like the rest. Specifically, being a romantic herself, she wishes to help Ottili reunite with her love. Though they don't always share similar views, Saelihn is always thankful for Ottili's input in anything and everything she and the girls have discussed together. To her, Ottili carries a wisdom about her that grounds herself and the others, as she knows too well that, if left to their own devices, chaos may ensue. She is perhaps the one in the group with the best head on their shoulders.

Friend, Party Member



The newest addition to their band of merry women. Aella is a fresh breath of air within their group, and though Saelihn has yet to form a close bond to her, she can already tell from her character that she is someone who will make themselves quite dear to her. With connections to Verlais and to the ever-charming Sirian, Saelihn feels comfortable in Aella's company - as if she were a friend she'd always had.

Close Friend, Deceased Party Member


Dalya Dreamamor

The late Dalya was taken from their group all too soon. Dalya had been a beacon of light throughout her friendship with Saelihn, with Saelihn's only regret being that she had yet to become as close to her as she wanted to be. That being said, she trusted Dalya with her life - literally and figuratively, knowing that without her, she would've surely died many times over by now. She was kind, caring, sweet, and surprisingly very funny, and Saelihn misses her sunny disposition. Like Jelenneth and Lou, Saelihn feels bonded to her for life given their shared experience of the horrors in Deerwood, and would gladly fight alongside her until the end of time.

Ex-Lover, Confidant



The only person from Verlais that Saelihn cares to call her friend. Saelihn was once a patron to Sirian, employing his services out of a need to rebel against her grandfather's demands of her. She had surprisingly become very close to Sirian through numerous visits to the brothel where he worked, sharing a bed with him many times, and often destressing with him and unloading her familial woes in the privacy of his quarters. When she had run away from her life in the Capital, she didn't think she would ever see him again. However, she's pleased to have reunited with Sirian in Shadehost. It was completely unexpected, but welcome all the same, and once again she's comforted knowing that he is nearby lest she need him. With Sirian, Saelihn feels like she can be her most honest self. It is because of him that she has not yet given up on the prospect of romance, and has become accepting of all facets of her sexuality.

Love Interest, Trusted Friend



Among the Wolves of Anomaly, Cazar stands out to Saelihn the most. Be it due to their repeated encounters in the guild hall's baths, or because his skillset is something to admire, Saelihn has found herself completely intrigued - if not a little infatuated - by the fellow rogue. In the time that she's been a part of the guild, she's come to trust Cazar to the point of allowing herself to be honest and vulnerable with him; she has let him see her tears and has even invited him to share her bed in the most literal sense. Something about him is just so comforting, and while this is something that frightens her, she feels it wrong to deny this revelation. Rather, she finds herself looking for every opportunity just to be close to him, with even the serendipitous happenstance of having him be her mentor in combat.

Father, Guild Leader



To think that Saelihn's relationship with one of her two esteemed Guild Leaders would turn out to be of the warm and familial type was something she could've never predicted. But she is anything but put off by this, rather she is thrilled beyond words. For so long, Saelihn's lived a life of loneliness, even in the days where she lived in wealth with her half-siblings and grandfather. Surrounded by people and material goods, she felt completely by herself, with neither a mother or nor a father to love her and dote on her. And now, many years later, she is finally able to receive that parental love she's longed for, albeit with some foreseen difficulty. Though she knows it will take some time before her and Hound settle into their new roles as father and daughter, she is excited for their bond to blossom and grow, and to live her life going forward as his loving daughter.

Ex-Lover, Friend


Fenton Redrook

Though their relationship was short-lived, Fenton is still someone that Saelihn cares for. When she had arrived and spent her time in Deerwood, he was someone who reignited her desire for romance despite all the terrible, failed relationships she experienced in the past. He had opened her eyes to what a caring, gentle, warm affection can feel like, and how an earnest lover can heal even the deepest scars of her heart. Throughout the stresses and turmoil of the events in Deerwood, he had been the one to give her the most comfort, aside from her companions. And now, after they had decided mutually to part ways due to their differing paths, Saelihn hopes that he is able to find the happiness, love, and comfort he so deserves with someone much more worthy of him than her.

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