Fat Louis



5 years, 22 days ago


🗑 Fat Louis "739-T"🗑 

Louis is the sharp-tongued, sassy Bottom Feeder, who is also Lance's paralegal and close friend. He can be very blunt and sarcastic  with everyone; as well as having the habit of answering a question with a question. But he's very reliable and responsible. Being close to Lance, he can sometimes be he voice of reason if Lance is thrown off his course and gets irrational with his trials in the courtroom. He's very skilled at getting resources on anything, as well as toons. For instance, he knows about your toon, their age, gags, level, and favorite ice cream flavor.

Sometimes he's called Fat Louis, as he has creole/Cajun oil in him, so he has a bit of down south dialect when speaking, all while maintaining a business-esque speech. Being a Bottom Feeder, he lives up to his name: definition-wise and literally. For instance, he loves Cajun food, but mostly when it's rotted, expired, and made for the trash  can. Yeah, I know. Disgusting.

He also has a bad habit of  walking into the wrong places at the wrong time. I won't go into detail on that but, it's gotten him in trouble several. As well as pushing him to file complaints about seeing "uncogly things".


Name: Fat Louis, Lou, Lou Lou
Gender: Male (Sexless)
Zodiac: Cancer
Species: Lawbot

Home: Lawbot HQ

"Ayo bossman, it's time to scat."


  • Gossip
  • Shit talking
  • Creole food
  • Rotten fish bones


  • PDA
  • Maisy
  • Martha's screeching
  • Lance gloating about his attractiveness

⚙Cog Facts⚙

  • Sometimes likes to experiment with food in his spare time, often leads to stomach-wrenching culinary creations and sometimes explosions
  • Refers to Lancelot as "bossman"; used to use it condescendingly when they didn’t get along, now uses it automatically due to his comfort in his position
  • Often has loyalty issues
  • The smell of any type of sanitizer makes him extremely nauseous




  • Thinks analytically
  • Able to work in high pressure  situations
  • Good pallet
  • Flexible schedules
  • Responsible


  • Indecisive
  • Can be prone to slack
  • Weak to gossip
  • Shit talks about others downfalls
  • Foul mouthed





When Louis was first assigned to Lancelot as his paralegal, the two got off to a rocky start. With Lancelot being the narcissistic, braggart he is and Louis already having a personal prejudice against higher Cogs than him, it made the two bicker a lot. It wasn’t until a breakthrough had occurred when Lance showed a small hint of vulnerability during a heated argument with Louis. At that point, Louis was able to see a side of this Backstabber that Lance had never wanted to be seen. To save face, Lancelot decided to treat Louis better than usual, but only so he wouldn’t gossip about him slipping up, “emotionally”. But eventually, as he opened up to Louis in a non-deceitful way, the two were able to have a good partnership and mutual trust. And they both realized they are quite the same: petty and snarky.

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