


5 years, 20 days ago


Tabitha "423-P"

Tabitha is a Yesman (or in this case a Yeswoman) is bent on  annoying the crap out of her fellow cogs. She is a skilled hacker and  has perfected the art of hacking her way into her robo co workers for  her own good benefit. Naturally as a Yeswoman, she likes to suck up to  people and do whatever they want her to do only so she can find out  about their secrets and use them against her victims later on.

Annnnd she can get away with it since.... she's the CEO's daughter. Anything she wants from him, she gets cause he treasures her deeply and  spoils the hell out of her. If he hears any complaints from his  underlings about his daughter, they get a instant demotion. And she  walks away Scott free. She's got him wrapped around her metal fingers and all of BBHQ can see it.

Wesley is her boss, but he can barely control her antics  because of her privilege of being the CEO's daughter. Tabby has a deep  love for messing around with Wesley to tick him off and sometimes hack  his circuits to make him say stupid things in meetings; as well as  butting in his personal life. He has threatened to fire her, but that  ever works, since she could always tattletale on her ""Daddykins"".

Tabitha is extremely catty, petty, and isnt' scared to talk down about someone else to others just to make herself look better. She's prone to throw juvinile tantrums when things do not go as she planned. One time she threw a tantrum so loud, it shatterd all the health meters in the room. It was bizarre af.


Name: Tabs, Tabby, Brat
Gender: Female (Sexless)
Zodiac: Libra
Species: Yeswoman Bossbot
Home: Bossbot HQ
Assistant, Banquet Coordinator

"Business consists of sucking up to your superiors and hacking them to do your dirty work! And business, is, GOOD~!"


  • Hacking
  • Tracking
  • Wisecracking
  • Sidetracking.. others


  • Discipline
  • "No."
  • Low budget movies
  • Strong network defense systems


by dannichangirl

Cog Facts

  • has had 50 boyfriends in the past; dumped them all
  • has a pink dress set specifically for special occasions; despite the strict Bossbot clothing code that all colors must be dark ones


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  • Computer Savvy 
  • Holds information well
  • Able to clean up her tracks of hacking
  • Using her position as CEO's daughter to get many perks


  • Receiving authority
  • Cupcakes (had a bad experience with them when Toons once pelted her favorite dress with them)
  • Being told "NO"
  • Weak and prone to gossip





Connection: Employee-Boss

When it comes to the relationship that she has with her boss, Tabitha can be described as one word: ANNOYING. Being the CEO's daughter gives her an extreme amount of perks that she uses to her ability to manipulate Wesley as she pleases. As a skilled hacker, she can use it to her advantage to throttle Wesley when she feels like it. Regardless of his high position in Bossbot HQ, she never sees him to her level, he's only a toy that she loves to twiddle with. It grinds Wesley's gears to the max that he can't demote her like he wants to, because she's a complete thorn in her shoulder. And she has free reign to do so, because if he makes a huge threat to her, all she has to do is inhale, and scream: "DADDY!!"


Connection: Friends

If gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss was a physcial being, these two would be the very definition of its existence. Tabitha and Isolde are a dynamic duo for petty gossip and superficial drama. They thrive off each other's energy greatly just to stir up madness!


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