Tyler Moore



8 years, 3 months ago


Created May 10th. Middle child. Tyler and his older brother both declined Deiter's offer to turn to a life of crime, but quickly found themselves in a bad situation. Over the years, the two of them managed to get themselves a somewhat steady life, but they still depend on each other to pay the bills (not sure where they live yet, but they live together). Tyler still wants to have a family eventually and has dated quite a few people in an attempt to find someone he likes, but they've all ended poorly. At this point, he's afraid that he won't be able to find someone without a huge age gap (eventually does find Berri). He lost his eye when he was pretty young (to Dieter?). Rarely ever smiles and typically acts pessimistic. He works as an animal shelter worker, which is a stable job, but he's pretty sure he has a minor allergy to dog fur. He also doesn't get paid much and, if not for his brother, he'd have to work a second job. Typically wears an eye patch to work or in more formal situations. Likes to walk around at like 3 in the morning when it's quiet and cool.

After some time he, Berri, and Paiden sort things out, get a better house, and things start to look up. Berri convinces him that he's not too old to do regular couple things and around that time, they start thinking about having a kid. They end up having Melody. Tyler sends news to Dieter like "haha, look, I have four kids now" - counting the dogs. Dieter of course gets super hyped, asking - pretty much begging - to be allowed to come over and see her sometime. Berri half guilt tripped him into saying yes, resulting in Dee getting to see his brothers willingly for the first time in decades. He acted perfectly innocent while he was there, just happy to see everybody, and Tyler and Paiden found themselves feeling sort of guilty for kicking him out of their lives. Paiden still balked, but Tyler decided to try and reach out more. From their, the relationship started to mend and even Paiden gave up on resisting eventually.