Aurora Borealis



8 years, 29 days ago


Name: Aurora Borealis
Species: FawnPond
Age: 32
Nickname(s): Aurora, Bora, Borealis
Hobbies: Looking at the stars
Personality: Aurora is very cold, but still a sweetheart to her friends. She's more quiet, preffering to speak with simple looks and body language over actually speaking. She does not like to leave her pond to make new friends, and it isn't easy to gain her trust as your friend. It takes multiple, consistent visits to her pond to see her to prove that you are an acquaintance--at the least. She does not mind telling the brutal truth, and will not stand for any types of drama or unneeded violence. She loves the night along with winter, and the Northern Lights. Because her trust is not easy to gain, she often keeps her emotions locked away to herself. But she will confine in a partner or family member (though she has none). When it comes to being with her partner, she loves cuddling and being close to them. Aurora is also very poetic, and has a very amazing way with her words.
Motto: "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

Masterlist Number:

Pond Type: Winter

Common Traits:
Marked Pond Stones
Marked Power Stones
Ice Antlers