


5 years, 23 days ago


  • Plague Helladius

  • Plaaaa.png
  • Age 23
  • Gender Male
  • Species Nephalem (Angel/Demon hybrid)
    Rabbit/Hedgehog hybrid
  • OrientationHeterosexual
  • Alignment Good

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Like I care."

  • Plague's full name is Plague Angelos Helladius.
  • Plague was formerly part of The Foul Hexis but changed his ways after meeting Cream Puff and joined The Unlikely Ones.
  • It's rumored that he has a huge crush on Cream Puff.
  • Plague's scaleras turn black when he's either angry, using his demon/shadow powers, or stressed.
  • Plague's eyes can turn white and glow when using his angel/light powers or when upset. 
  • Plague's instability is because he's an angel/demon hybrid, which is considered unnatural and he can be very unstable in terms of his mental and psychic state. If he uses his powers for too long, he can faint or have other negative effects on his body, such as his powers "shutting down" for a short period. Thus, he needs to be careful. It's a miracle that he's survived this long.
  • Plague's spines are very sensitive and dislikes them being touched.
  • Plague uses his demon powers and umbrakinesis way more often than his angel powers and photokinesis.
  • Plague's parents were abusive towards him until he was 10, where his uncle took him and his siblings away from their parents after suspecting the abuse.
  • He's afraid of clowns.
  • His powers include: flight, angel powers, demon powers, umbrakinesis, and photokinesis.
  • He does not have the ability of possession because demon hybrids do not have that ability.
  • He suffers from depression.


DoB: September 1st (Virgo)
Birthplace: The Hallow Shallows/Near the entrance to the Underworld
Height:3' 11" (120 cm)
Build: Chubby
Nicknames: Pla (pronounced "play")
Relationship Status: Single

Dead or Alive?:Alive
Blood Color: Black
  • Dark things
  • His friends
  • Playing guitar
  • Strangers leaving him alone
  • Puns
  • Plasma (father)
  • Anahera (mother)
  • Aseptic (older brother)
  • Rubella (older sister†)
  • Dengue (older brother)
  • Lassa (older sister)
  • Bubonic (paternal uncle)
  • The Foul Hexis
  • Clowns
  • Being tricked
  • Strangers


 Plague is a huge introvert and outright refuses to talk to people who aren't close friends. He keeps to himself and is a bit closed-minded about beliefs that don't match his own, as he is very reluctant about people's behavior.

Plague can be easily described as grumpy and short-tempered. He can get easily angry at others and can be very aggressive to those he heavily despises. He's mostly sarcastic when it comes to speaking to others and can make snarky remarks to pretty much anyone.

Plague is a pessimistic person and has a low view of the world. He feels that anything can go wrong, but nonetheless, he fights for his friends. He is very loyal to his friends, especially after he left The Foul Hexis to join The Unlikely Ones.



Cream Puff

When Plague laid his eyes on her, he fell in love with her and wanted to leave The Foul Hexis. This was formerly the only reason he left and he had no intention of actually joining, but after realizing that TUO treated him much better, he decided to officially join.

Plague tries to hide his feelings for her and tries his hardest to just see Cream Puff as a friend.


While him and Enya don't exactly have the best relationship due to their personality differences, but they can work together.


Plague is aware of why Ziva is interested in him due to his origins. He can't understand her, so he really can't help her understand. He also was shocked to hear that there is life on other planets.


Triton often teases Plague about his crush on Cream Puff, which he really doesn't like. However, they do have a relationship because of Triton's calm nature. Triton is usually one to calm him down if he gets really mad.


While he usually finds Kazuki annoying because of his positivity, he does see him as a friend or at least an ally. The two can work together fine.


Leola, Jael, and Belinda

While they used to be "allies", Plague has always despised them and felt like a weight was lifted off of him when he left. He's more than happy to finally get payback.


Clarus is a frightening figure to him because Clarus reminds him of how his father acts.


Plague was often annoyed by Fen's silence when he was in The Foul Hexis, but he realized that he had more in common with Fen than he thought. He wants to try and get Fen to leave just like he did.


While they're both short-tempered, they don't clash together very well and don't like each other, especially since Plague switched teams.