Catalina Carmichael



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Catalina Carmichael

Job: Traveling shopkeeper

Personality:  When talking business she's nice enough, but outside of business she  can be cold. Always give new customers a discount. Very good with her  words and can be sneaky with her motives. When really scared, she will  not fight, will run for her life, after all she's not much of a fighter.  But when she does fight, she'll use her speed and intelligence.

Weapons/powers: No powers, but uses her elctro whip and the claws on her gauntlets.

Likes: Music, fair business, and exploring.

Dislikes: Eggman, danger, liars, lemons, and cucumbers.

Habits:  When not selling things to customers, she will explore to different  locations for things that might be good to trade. Such as weapons,  armor, robot parts, etc. And speaking of robot parts, if she does find  some, she'll usually tinker with them to see how they work and what they  do. She's no mechanic by any means, but she's willing to learn.

Backstory:  Not much to this girl really. Except for the fact that she once traded  with Eggman and got the armored truck she uses to travel with and sell  her stuff from.

Sonic and all of it's characters belong to SEGA

I own Catalina.