Eoin (Eoin: RotG)



4 years, 8 months ago



Name: Eoin Connley
Age: 25~ (born in 1892)
Gender: Male
Height/Body Type: 5'6 (167.64cm)/Lanky and soft
Race: Human/Revenant
Origin: Ireland
Alignment: Chaotic Bastard Man
Ennegram: 7w8
Theme: Song link

A loud mouthed party boy who has quite an extensive resume; Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Impersonating Officials, Arson, and working part-time as a Barsita at the local coffee house. His free time is spent lazing around his home, keeping his ferret from eating his house plants, contributing to meme culture and partying hard all night.

Something about him just feels a little off, besides the fact that he always seems to be just a little colder than the environment around him or the fact that injuries heal seemingly overnight. Accidents seem to happen around him frequently and sometimes it looks as though something is following him.



  • Gambling
  • Club Crawls
  • Drinking Competitions
  • Paranormal and True Crime Podcasts


  • Boring people
  • Being hunted
  • Bitter Food
  • Feeling lonely



Eoin typically goes through life with a smile on their face and a care-free attitude. He sees the glass, typically, as half full. Experience has shown him that things always work out for the best, even if situations seem dire there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Due to his absurd good luck, he sometimes doesn't always make the best decisions in regards to his safety - but lately he has been trying a bit harder. To help stay a little more responsible, he has gotten a couple pets. A cockatiel named Ladyfingers and a ferret called Shy Guy.

He is more clever than he lets on, and that cleverness and his own stupid curiosity has landed him into many sticky situations - and many fun experiences. Eoin wants to experience everything that he can, once having been very sheltered, he's eager to make up for lost time - and now he has all the time in the world.

While he is more optimistic than not, there are some days when the care-free loud mouth mask is just that. He struggles with accepting and loving himself and in recent years has started to feel as though he might be losing himself - whatever it is that makes him 'him'. He desperately wants to be liked, to have friends, make himself a family - but he's terrified of rejection and finds it hard to open up and trust people completely. Though he refuses to acknowledge it, or admit it, he is desperately lonely and craves some sort of connection with another person.

Eoin is quick to make friends or find a way to peacefully resolve conflict, but any friends he does make he never seems to fully trust or get close to. He might be a bit dumb, but he is a fast learner and has a good memory




Death might have claimed his soul and slam dunked it into the pits of hell once, but they'll have a harder time getting ahold of him a second time. Essentially immortal, when his body sustains too much damage to remain living his soul is kicked out, reforming at the place he first died and he must find his body again. Should his body be destroyed upon death, or even after, his body will reform at it's place of burial and his soul will respawn within it. He is unable to age, and with each death he grows a little more numb to physical sensations.


His body is able to regenerate quickly as long as a soul is within it. He can regrow limbs if they are lost, but if he is killed his body will rapidly decompose on its own.

Eyes of the Grave

Able to see spirits, ghosts, and those that move between the worlds. Typically, they appear as normal people to him, but if he has reason to suspect someone and focuses on them he is able to pick out the little differences that mark them as not being alive - or human.


A passive trait. He has exceptionally good luck, things just have a way of working out for him - even in the most dire of situations where it seems his luck has run out he always seems to find just what he needs to work it out for the better for him. He is very hard to hit or get ahold of and his attacks, while weak, manage to land just where they need to in order to do the most damage.


He was born to a very religious, and close knit family - though he always seemed to be the most disliked. He had three older brothers and a twin sister and for a while they seemed the perfect family. It wasn't until he started his first year of grade school that things started to change and his parents and then later his siblings began to act differently towards him.

In his sophmore year of high school he came to discover just what it was about him that had always seemed to rub his parents the wrong way. That it was impossible for him to act like a lady because he wasn't one. It was after he discovered this that things at home started to turn for the worst and by the end of the summer of that year he ran away from home and dropped out of school.

He didn't really have a plan and never really had any real friends and being as sheltered as he had been growing up he didn't really have many options and began to quickly slide down a slippery slope landing him in more and more trouble. Eoin had always been clever, curious, and his luck had always been weirdly...good, all things considered. He started shop lifting, eventually worked up hustling at bars he would weasel his way into, prostitution and eventually - while working at a hole in the wall Italian Restaurant that he would later discover was a front for the Mafia - fell in with in with more serious crimes.

Life seemed good. He had a comfortable life making good money, he finally had friends and a family that supported him, he drank, slept around, and finally started to feel like himself. His new employers and family didn't seem to care, he was smart and quick and useful and to them that was all that mattered.

Eventually, his luck seemed to run out. At age twenty-five, in an attempt to get out and start fresh somewhere else, his plans were found out and - under the pretense of a 'Going Away Party' - he was taken out and beaten to death.

Despite never being religious himself, he had been baptized and raised Catholic, and as such after he died the Catholic Afterlife was the one waiting for him - Hell, specifically. He found himself in the Eighth Circle where he underwent tortures that nearly broke him, but spite and an insane giddiness that things couldn't get worse - he remained precariously teetering on that edge. Eoin started to make a name for himself as being the most obnoxious soul the poor demons caryring out their jobs on him had ever encountered. He was loud and few could understand a word that tumbled out of his mouth, and the few that could be understood were quite...vile. More than that, his behaviors started to incite other souls to act out as well.

Being so close to the Ninth Circle, the demons felt that they were high enough on the food chain that their Prince might do something about this soul that was causing so much trouble. Lucifer, tired of the constant complaints, and mildly curious over the soul that was causing so much trouble, eventually went out to meet him.

Eoin's first meeting with the Devil shook him, but he had always prided himself on his ability to talk his way out of situations. Even though Lucifer could see through his eyes, the attempts at acting as if he was in control was amusing. So amusing, in fact, that they let their guard down. As far as Lucifer was concerned, this was just another fast talking con-man and nothing to be that concerned about. On several occasions they visisted Eoin, whenever boredom struck them and the idea of playing cat and mouse with him seemed more fun than whatever paperwork they had to worry about. On one visit, everything changed.

Eoin had been plotting and finally he had the courage to try and spring his 'trap'. Hoping that the Devil's inner gambler would win out over reason, he proposed a bet. He wanted to play a game. Offering his immortal soul, even though he was sure it wasn't necessarily his anymore, he bet that he could escape his prison and find a way out of Hell and back to the land of the Living.

Lucifer was beside themself. They thought the idea was hiliarious. No one 'escaped'. It was impossible and it was clear that Eoin didn't have a real plan, so they agreed to the game - after sweetening the pot, putting a time limit on his time to escape and informing him that should he fail he would spend the rest of eternity in the Ninth Circle instead.

Despite not having a plan, they didn't have to wait long for an opportunity to present itself and after a shockingly lucky series of events he found himself free of the prison and got out of dodge.

Towards the end of his escape his memory began to get fuzzy. One minute he was running up stairs and slinking through hallways - and the next everything hurt and he couldn't breathe or move. He struggled. He struggled until he could feel himself again, until his body started to respond and do what it was told. Then he began to push and claw and dig and eventually, his hand broke through and he felt cool wind and shortly after he was tasting fresh air and could seen the light of the moon. From somewhere nearby, he heard a scream.

Second Chances

Eoin had never really been one who actually cared much about his own life, in fact there had been a few occasions he sought to just end it, but after experiencing what the Afterlife had in store for him in particular he decided that hey. Death sucked. Life was where it was at, at least it had fun distractions.

He quickly got up to his old tricks again, minus the shady gang shenanigans; travel, gambling, partying, boozing, 'romance' - until he died, again, tripping over his shoelaces in an intersection and being hit by a drunk driver. Instead of winding up back in Hell, he found himself floating in darkness. He felt like he was underwater except he didn't need to breathe. He couldn't tell which way was up or which way was down and as he began to get desperate he saw a light. He began to swim towards it until finally his hands broke the surface and he half fell, half stepped out into the intersection that he had died in. ...Except, it was a greyscale and misty version, and quickly he began to realize he was not alone - and the things that were there with him were not friendly.

Shades, or shadows, maybe wraiths? Whatever they were, they came to attention the moment he came back and in and fury rushed him. In a panic he took off in a sprint, running and crying for help from the greyed out people around him - but no one heard, or if they did they didn't care.

Though his body did not tire, the panic was making it hard to continue. His pursuers were gaining on him and the further he ran the more that noticed him and gave chase. As he began to lose hope of escape he felt a strange, comforting warmth - a pull - and desperately he followed it. As he followed he started to realize that he was sweating, that he was freezing, and that his heart and legs felt like they were about to give out - but still he ran, scrambling inside a building and down hallways - a mortuary, he would later realize, and came to where his body was being held. Or...at least what was left of it.

It was alarming to see himself in that state but he didn't have time to process. The shades had caught up to him and they were grabbing him, tearing into him with claws and teeth. He screamed and jerked back, somehow managing to free himself and fell - fell backwards into the remains of his body.

The next thing he felt and heard was excruciating pain and the sounds of flesh shifting, growing, knitting itself back together. Then came the screams from the mortician who had been working on his body. The first thing he saw upon opening his eyes, besides color, was the fainted body of the mortician - then he promptly got up and fled.

There were many other accidents after that and he slowly came to realize that 'Death' was a very, very annoying setback. With each death he would find himself in that darkness, for shorter and shorter amounts of time until it got to the point that he would just respawn immediately wherever his body died - as long as his body was not destroyed. In the event that it was destroyed, he would find himself back in the dirt digging his way out again just like the very first time. He also realized, that every time he died his body would grow more numb and those...shades, began to manifest even when he was safely back in his body.

These days, he tries not to die - even if he finds it to be very funny when he pops back into his 'skin' and terrifies whatever poor soul is nearby. It's too dangerous, and he doesn't want to completely lose feeling.He got up to his old tricks again, partying, boozing, 'romance' - until he died again, hit by what he would later come to know as a 'bus'.

Eoin has adapted well to the ever changing world around him, even with the discovering that his body does not age. He continues to drink and party and seek out 'love' wherever he can - and on one such drunken night he came across his first Reaper; A shy looking man with kind, soft eyes looking more like a deer caught in the headlights inside packed club with it's flashing neon lights. At first, Eoin thought he had found his date for the night, but upon touching him he realized that he wasn't exactly human.Already engaged, and not wanting to test the other man's strength or his own limits he decided to just keep the ball rolling and did what he did best. Talk fast, lie through his teeth, and flirt shamelessly.

He did not expect for it to work so well. He also did not expect that he would eventually begin to fall in love with the Reaper...





August Time

[ Boyfriendp ]

Things may have started out on the more shady side, lying and flirting in an attempt to get out of a situation without losing his life (and soul), before Eoin knew what was happening he found himself madly and hopelessly in love. He lives to see him smile and has taken to doing whatever he can to see it more, and has also taken to teaching him about the modern world - slang and memes included.



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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