Princess Lumiria Frostfall



5 years, 1 month ago


About the Kotem Species

Appearance - The Kotem are strong equines with thick fur, long tails with furred ends, and cloven hooves. Sharp teeth take home in their jaws as the Kotem are an omnivorous species, feeding on meat and foliage alike. Two sets of eyes can be found on their face though one set is usually kept closed at a time, one pair used during the day while the other remain closed until night, keeping their night eyes closed makes it easier to see at night as their eyes are already adjusted to darkness. This aids the Kotem in night hunts and activities.

All Kotem are donned with a dual set of horns that curve forward, these horns are the control point of their magic. Using these horns they are able to work together to form nets and lines between one another to catch fish and other prey, they are capable of levitation and object manipulation. More practiced Kotem may be able to harness elements such as fire. Another popular magic is light, when their night eyes are not enough the can form an orb of light between their horns. The space between their horns is the pinpoint of their magic (just as the tip of a unicorn’s horn is theirs)

Royal Kotem don a third horn, backwards facing upon their forehead or brow. The backwards facing horn and dual horns create a more solid center point for magic allowing more focused spells and stronger, more accurate magic attacks. They also sport a set of feathered wings each with a claw on the knuckle.

Lore - Long ago the Kotem lived upon lush lands, forests full of wildlife and foliage, wild plains and fields of crops, they were a great kingdom full of joy and prosperity. However, one day the sun did not rise as it normally would, instead of passing overhead the sun only crossed over the distant horizon. Not long after a powerful cold fell upon the kingdom leaving the Kotem in a frozen wasteland where their crops could not grow and their prey long since fled.

The sun had changed it’s course, and the moon soon followed, passing their horizon each cold day and colder night. Word had it that two pony princesses had reigned control of the sun and moon, basking their lands in it’s warmth and light. Wendigos appeared following the unexpected winter, terrorizing the kingdom as their leaders rose up to fight the fridged foes. Years drew on as the once great kingdom withered to a shell of it’s former glory, food was scarce, dangers rose, the peaceful land became one of strife and hardship.

Winter coats became permanent, thick pelts replacing the once sleek hide of the equine race, fillies and foals no longer could frolic through open fields and instead are confined within stone walls that now surround the kingdom. Learning from the moment they are able to fight and hunt to provide for themselves and the kingdom in their dangerous world. Vegetation became a rare delicacy as their lands, frozen near solid, became unable to bear little more than trees and dry, fruitless bushes. 

Notes - Unlike ponykind Kotem Royalty are not connected to an element or duty, it is merely the passage of rulers from parents to offspring. Princesses will become Queens, Princes to Kings upon the passing of the crown.

- While capable of magic the Kotem are unable to teleport or learn many spells Unicorns are capable of. Their magic includes simple spells such as levitation and more difficult ones such as elemental manipulation, many Kotem try to learn fire magic due to their cold climate. Some spells the Kotem are able to use are not known by Unicorn kind.

- Only royal Kotem are capable of flight, there are no winged Kotem nor unhorned Kotem though horn sizes do vary. Long horns are a sign of a strong magic user.

- All Kotem horns are curved forward aside from the royal third horn. Lumi’s mutated main horns are curved back making it very difficult to use her magic.

- While omnivorous the Kotem now feed mainly on meats, especially fish due to their lands being unable to provide the conditions needed for farming, some attempts have been made using spells to create heat and light but so far have proven unsuccessful and draining to maintain.

- The wildlife of the Kotem lands are not as sentient as the ones found on pony territory.

About Lumi

Name - Princess Lumiria Frostfall (Lumi)

Age - 27 years

Gender - Female

Species - Kotem 

Residence - Originated in The Glacial Pass in the Kingdom of the Kotem - Currently residing in the Everfree Forest

Background - A royal mare born to the King and Queen of the Kotem Kingdom, the second and youngest daughter to the royal family. Born with backwards horns the young princess has had difficulty mastering the Kotem magic and grew apart from her older sister. Seeking answers and a hope for a fresh start she ran away from home and found herself in the pony kingdom. Unfamiliar with the pony ways Lumi took shelter in the more familiar wilds of the Everfree Forest and has made her home there. 

She hopes to learn about unicorn magic in hopes of finding a way to harness her own despite unicorn and kotem magic being different. However, her unusual appearance is making this more difficult than she had wished and her unnerve of the ruler Celestia drives her to keep her identity hidden.

Backstory Events

The Bubble: 
Practicing her magic lead to Lumi’s fire forming an inferno around herself which lashed out around her and burned her sister.
Her sister reacted and bubbled Lumi in an isolation bubble out of instinct, trapping Lumi with her inferno inside.
Inside the bubble Lumi grew quite terrified of being contained in such a small space with her own fire raging around her and cried out to which a guard overheard to find the older sister imprisoning her sibling. Her sister refused to release her until the fire was gone out of fear despite Lumi’s pleading.
That fear made the fire grow which filled the bubble with a near blinding, warm blue light. The guard fetched the girl’s parents who calmed Lumi’s sister and herself but the fire did not fade for over a day and it was determined it was too dangerous to release her with such uncontrollable flames.
Once Lumi exhausted herself her fire finally faded and she was released from the bubble, she did not practice any magic from that day forward and became the first Kotem to not use magic. She and her sister became distant after that which eventually drove Lumi to leave their kingdom to seek answers and aid and a mission to prove her worth by returning the sun.