


5 years, 25 days ago

Basic Info




Name [Novell]
Species [Hanshadama]
Age [19]
Height [155cm]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/Him]
Orientation [?]
Zodiac [Aries]
Occupation [Hikikomori]
Theme [song]

Status [NFT/S]
Designer [Elissya]
Worth [$76.5]







Novell is your stereotypical weird and quiet kid. During his middle and high school years, he was seen as a freak and often ignored by his classmates, although he did prefer it that way. After graduating, however, he went completely crazy. Novell is paranoid, skittish and will jump at the smallest of noises, and is always looking, scared of whatever. He's a very superstitious person who gets triggered easily. Due to his paranoia and his constant state of pure fear, he tends not to go out much and avoids contact as much as possible. Although his parents have a lot of money, he lives in isolation from even them. Often he'll be alone in his little apartment, which is disgusting and dirty, but he also likes to spend time locked inside his bedroom at his parents' place.

Much of his seemingly pointless fear comes from the fact that he hears voices all the time. He isn't sure what the are, but he can always hear people crying and begging for help and forgiveness; sometimes, however, he also hears evil voices whisper profanities. He thinks they're the sounds of Hell slipping into his world for only him to hear. He never actually saw the sources of those voices, until he accidentally summoned a demon named Robin. When demons are summoned, they are typically stuck with their summoner (much like genies), but Novell, not knowing what was going on, ended up cowering and submitting to Robin, who slowly took control of his life.

Novell can usually be seen shaking, talking to himself and looking around when in public, or writing random notes that look more like scribbles when home alone. His apartment is a huge mess he doesn't bother cleaning. He isn't a picky eater at all and will take pretty much anything that's easy to cook (since he dreads going to the supermarket, he prefers to buy an absurd amount of cereal boxes and cup noodles once every few months). He sometimes forgets to eat or do other basic things, such as showering and cutting his nails, but he tries his best. In order to make himself more organized, he likes writing sticky notes and placing them everywhere around the house to remind himself of what he needs to do, from showering to changing the living room light bulb. Those notes often fall and contribute to the house's mess.