
5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:



Male (he/him)


late teens/early 20s


Razor mermaid



Creation Date:

May 8th 2019


An uppity young mermaid in a position of moderate wealth. His family isn't nobility, but they're certainly not peasantry. Abraxas has been pampered most of his life, with his every desire catered to, and it shows. As a Razor-breed mermaid, Abraxas prizes his swimming abilities and participates in razor races - he and another local Razor have a long-standing rivalry over placement (though neither of them are quite good enough to be winning medalists).

He is best friends with a Siren, Xanfel, and the two spend a lot of time together just hanging out. Xan is a very melancholy guy and has some weird obsessions with human culture, and will sometimes disappear without notice - Abraxas worries about him, though maybe in an unhealthily selfish way. Abraxas has never left the water because developing lungs would permanently alter his racing ability, so Xan's forays out onto land without him distresses him. They're best friends, how could he leave Abraxas alone for so long?

When Xanfel heads to land for his most recent boyfriend and still doesn't return after weeks, Abraxas freaks out. He doesn't know what to do. Nobody else tends Xanfel - Sirens don't have family units like Razors - so only Brax knows he's missing. It's up to him do so something but with the sacrifice involved and not knowing where to begin, nor if he's even still alive, Abraxas is in turmoil.

Abraxas is obnoxious, self-absorbed, and pretty bitchy. He has to be the best and the center of attention or he'll throw a fit like an actual child. On the bright side at least this makes him extremely determined and tenacious.

Social Connections

Xanfel - bestie

World Context

Mermaid lore coming soon?

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

||  Favorite Art  ||  Primary Ref / Flat Colors  ||

Primary Notes
> only the inside of his bangs is pink, the rest of his hair just has a natural gradient
> pointy fingers, not claws

Other Stuff
> would be tall if he had legs. Trim.