


5 years, 23 days ago


Heads Up! This character's bio contains themes of; INJURY.



Name Oliver
Nickname Oli
Species Gargoyle Like Creature
Age Several Ages Old
Gender Male
Height 5'6 ft
Occupation Destroyer of Plushies
Theme TBA


  • Inhuman Hearing
  • Inhuamn Strength
  • Can Purr


  • Intelligence․․★☆☆☆
  • Strength․․․․․․★★★☆
  • Compassion․★★☆☆

This little creature is ancient. No one is really sure where he came from, only that he didn't come alone. Demons like Oliver came in large hoards from somewhere in the depths to terrorize the medieval world. Overtime, the creatures lessened and were mostly forgotten about by the average folk. Still a few, like Oliver, remained and found themselves living amongst the humans in relative harmony. This was the case for Oliver as he happened to stumble across, or rather into, a human of his own after getting into a fight with another beast. Injured and scared, the human took pity on the creature and took him home. Much to the human's surprise, Oliver opted to stay even after he was healed, thanks to having formed feelings for the man. He'd never really known kindness before meeting the other, and now acts as the man's personal, self-obliged pet of sorts. Basically, he lives an easy life in the company of the only person he's ever grown attached to.



Oliver has two very distinctive sides. When around his human, or those he's familiar with, he's very clingy and loving. He loves to listen to people as they speak, and join in when he can, and thoroughly enjoys getting pats and hugs from those he cares for. He is also extremely protective of his and his human's things, which leads to him getting upset when something is out of place. Everything has its spot and must stay there. When off on his own or around strangers, Oliver is much more reserved and defensive. He has a slight fear of unknown people and creatures, thanks to his wing incident, and go out of his way to avoid certain situations... though he isn't afraid to hiss and spit at anything that dare cross his human's path.

Additional Notes


Character Notes

  • He gets his name from the human that helped him, or rather the pet cat that the boy had as a child who was also named Oliver. Oddly enough, this is rather fitting as Oliver has very cat-like tendencies.
  • He has an extreme love/hate relationship with stuffed animals and plushies. He absolutely adores them, and often pesters his caretaker for them, but at the same time loathes their presence enough to tear them all to shreds once he does get his claws on them. One has to wonder how he keeps weaseling his way into getting them.

Design Notes

  • Oliver only has one functioning wing. The other was almost completely torn off by another demon he'd gotten into a fight with.
  • Despite what his appearance may imply, Oliver doesn't have any real relation to dragons or dragon-kind. He is much more closely related to something like a gargoyle.
  • As much as he wants to, Oliver can't wear much clothing. He finds that it is almost impossible to wear anything because his claws end up tearing holes in everything when he tries to put it on.

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