Rin Nagato



5 years, 1 month ago


➳name; rin nagato

➳alias; override

➳age; 15

➳gender; female

➳sexuality; bisexual

➳crush; none / open

➳affiliation; villains

➳hair; black 

➳eyes; dark gray

➳height; 5'3

➳weight; 114 lbs

➳quirk; hacker - with this quirk rin is quickly able to hack into any form of technology as long as she is plugged into said device. to be able to plug into things her fingers can transform into the needed jack she might need though in order to be able to created said jack she must have knowledge of the shape and appearance of them. when she is plugged in she can hack anything in a matter of seconds. the more complex a system is, the longer it will take her, but even the toughest of securities have some troubles with her quirk although sometimes she also struggles to hack complex systems. some drawbacks of her quirks are lack of any use in combat, needing to be plugged into the system although computers and phones allow her to hack servers and sites from long distance as long as she is able to access said server or site from that device, and overuse of her quirk causes her headaches and dizziness. it is also possible for her to be effected by computer virus though they will turn into regular human sicknesses. the stronger the virus the more severe the sickness will be. upsides of her quirk include being able to gather information quickly and store it in her mental hard drive, and allows her to remain anonymous since her quirk does not leave traces of a system being hacked. all data she hacks is easily accessible and she can even transfer it to other devices as well for external storage in case she were to be killed. being able to transfer data also helps her clear space for new data for she can only hold so much


strength - 0/5

speed - 4/5

technique - 4/5

intelligence - 6/5

cooperation - 2/5

➳personality; rin is an extremely intelligent young girl with a rather eccentric personality. she is a girl with a mission and nothing will sway her from that. when her mind is set to something it is hard to sway her from it and she will spend hours planning and executing her plans. if someone tries to bother her, she tends not to be fazed by them. she works well under pressure and actually lives for the thrill of extreme situations. she feels that such tests her quirk in ways that nothing else would. her mind works quickly and that shows when she speaks. often she will blaze through her thoughts when explaining them to others which makes it rather difficult to keep up with her. she hates having to use simple terms to explain the things she does and feels offended when others do not understand her. nevertheless, rin at least tries to be easy to work with though she does sometimes look down on others as incompetent. to say the least, she is not very loyal to those around her and feels she could dispose of them at any time. one wrong move and she wouldn't hesitate to expose anyone that crosses her with data that she may have collected on them. in a way this makes her a dangerous individual to get looped up with, but as long as she doesn't get ticked off she is willing to offer her services. rin isn't necessarily on the good or the evil side. she only sees opportunity and which ever side is willing to give her the best shot of pushing the limits of her quirk, she will take it. this makes her very untrustworthy and gets her tagged as a gremlin. she does not mind this and actually takes pride in such a title. besides, she knows that she is mischievous and always willing to toy with those around her if she must. even so rin is quite the useful ally to have despite her lack of combat ability and her overall nature. her knowledge is second to none. however, rin is quite strange compared to others her age. it may not be strange for a teen to spend hours in front of a computer screen, but it is rare to see her away from one. she also likes to seclude herself away when she's trying to hack. it takes force to get her away from her screens.

➳other; she does not attend regular school but rather takes online courses allowing her to keep her face hidden and to devote her time to her hacking