
5 years, 1 month ago


cagewing, fantire by AEROVOLUME

he/him, once was two-headed but the other was cut off
other head was named healing and went by they/them. they were, as the name suggests, very sweet, empathetic, and soft.

trauma, thanks to the loss of his other head, is very depressed but not crazy like he makes himself out to be. he whispers to himself, rocks back and forth, hallucinates and has frequent nightmares.
whispering and rocking are both coping mechanisms that make him less stressed, while the other two are bad symptoms and not quite him being "insane".

he DOES retain his personality at most times. he is, like his looks imply, very edgy. he's cold to others but not quite cruel, and is actually very protective of what few friends he has.
definitely a tsundere. tries to act cool all the time (and usually is) but he only does it because he's lonely and wants validation.

tldr, edgy tsundere cagewing with depression