Pandora Brown



4 years, 11 months ago


**Pandora Brown**
**17 Years old**

**Rather emotional girl who leans towards hateful. She's scared of people in general and just wants to be left alone, having only really seen the bad side of people. Quite snarky with a very poor attitude**

**Winds up getting attacked by what appeared to be an unusually large dog one night on her way home from a late errand. When she got home her family didn't seem to care much and she had finally had it. She stole some money and packed her things before running away from home. She later ran into a guy who recognized her scent, and they both discovered he had gone on a rampage... and accidentally turned her into a werewolf... which would explain Pandora's weird black outs. After a lot of fights and potion making, Pandora decided to accompany this jerk home due to his extensive injuries, feeling she owed him that much for having given him half of them. Once he was well, she tried to leave, but he offered her a place to stay and hone her skills; saying he owed her that much for turning her into the beast she was in the first place. Now she lives with Dave, learning what it's like to be a werewolf.**