Anjou's Comments

He's so cute! He'll fit right in with my OCs Dandelion and Aventurine, or even be my newest OC Rinjani's baby brother!
I think I'll name him Anjou, but I'm not sure yet.

WTA entry:

Anjou likes the sun. He likes apples and grasses and the way the trees sing when the weather is scorching outside. Rinjani said it's cicadas; he didn't believe her. It's the fairies calling to him to play. What else could it be? There are a lot more things he likes. Oranges and sodas and flowers and lakes and... He trailed off, thoughts crashing at each other like a toy train that's falling of the tracks. There are so many things to like, so many things to love, how could he have the time to show everything that they are all adored? An idea popped in his head, and he rushed on his little feet, stumbling as he dashed inside the house. It was a few hours later, when the sun had already adopted a pleasant shade of muted red, that Rinjani came back home to a grinning Anjou.

"Guess what I did?" he said, hands hidden behind his back and a smile stretching on his lips.

Rinjani looked past the door, expecting to see a mess popping just behind the wooden walls. "What?" she asked.

Anjou threw his hands up in excitement. "I just hugged everything!"


"Yeah! I was wondering how I can show everything that I like them, so I hugged the vase, then I hugged the telephone, and then I went outside and hugged the peach tree and..." he tilts his head, already losing count. 

Rinjani laughs, scooping Anjou up as she walked in. "Do I get a hug too?"

And before she could say another thing, Anjou wrapped his arms tightly around her, still smiling as if he's the happiest boy on earth. Rinjani hugged him back, a lovely bedtime story already planned for the night. The house is lonely, and there's no one around for miles and miles away, but the siblings make do with the little, wondrous things they have. 

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Thank you sm!!