Keegan McKennzie



5 years, 4 months ago


Keegan McKennzie


Name Keegan (his friends also call him Keegs)
Birthday August 12
Age 19
Pronouns he/him
Race human
Class artificer charioteer
Alignment lawful neutral
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  • short-tempered
  • pathetic
  • distant


  • cars and motor vehicles
  • expensive clothes
  • drinking

Keegan comes from a well-known celebrity family and is the youngest son of the McKennzie's. Keegan absolutely despises his family, and to keep himself sane, he locks himself up in the garage to work on cars. Keegan is a car mechanic and designer for the family business Conduit, a car manufacturing company. Because of the days of being a hermit plague Keegan's life, Keegan is terrible at socializing and getting along with others. He is stand-offish to the idea of friends, and when interacting with someone new, he spills out all of his bad traits to ward off any potential relationships, because he can't trust anyone with his feelings or emotions. He comes off as rude, dramatic, short-tempered, judgemental, spoiled, and a smartass. His only wish is to remain unbothered.

As Keegan matures and separates himself from his toxic parents, he learns that there are some people in this world worth keeping nearby. Deep down, Keegan is a loyal and compassionate person who shows genuine care towards the people he loves. He is selfless and always willing to lend a hand whenever, with some lighthearted sass and dramatics. While he still remains a workaholic, he is more open to the idea of collaborations to reach a common end goal. Keegan will always have his younger self's attitude, just with a more mature outlook on life.


Keegan McKennzie is the youngest son of two to Derrick and Serina McKennzie. Derrick and Serina are both huge influencers in the business empire with Derrick being the CEO of his own company, and Serina being his personal assistant and HR. Their whole lives revolve around business and each other, but mostly Derrick. When first building their empire, Derrick just became a sensation in the capitalistic world. He then got the great idea of carrying his legacy and expanding his progress with the upcoming generation with starting a family with Serina, his fiance and secretary. They got married and quickly had their first son. When trying to come up with a name, they wanted a name that was so unqiue that it stood out, yet it is an homage to the original source. Thus, their first son's name was Kenzo. Kenzo McKennzie was not an easy name off the tongue, but they couldn't just trash him. They needed to build him. The first few years flew by and as Kenzo's baby and toddler years were coming to a close, Derrick could not help but feel nothing but digust for his amalgamation. So he and Serina made way for their new child. To Derrick's joy, another baby boy was born. Learning from their past mistake, they needed a strong name with a K, but one that wasn't so out of the ordinary. They agreed with Keegan and got to work. Keegan's progression was more fulfilling than his brother's. Derrick needed a son to reflect on his own image, and Keegan inherited a lot of Derrick's looks, and his strong personality. Kenzo was just too soft and a crybaby to make it, Keegan on the other hand, was a spitfire and a bold child. Soon the main focus, besides their own jobs, was to prepare Keegan for the business world.

Picture Perfect Family

Keegan's life was never going to be normal. Being born into a celebrity status family was already not normal. For as long as he could remember, his parents were always there for him. If he needed anything, he would get anything. If he complained about how something was not to his liking, it was removed in an instant. But as time moved on and he got older, his parents got caught up in their own jobs to help him. The only person who was around was his older brother, but the two of them could never exist in the same space. It was always Kenzo's fault. He knows that when his brother wants something, you need to get him that. Keegan rarely saw Kenzo. Keegan had no friends. He lived in a gated community with no children nearby to keep him busy. All that he had were his toys, and a brother who wanted him dead. Keegan found a passion in cars. Living in the upper class, expensive neighborhoods, everyone had fancy fast cars. Keegan loved walking around the nighborhood gazing upon everyone's cars, wishing that he would create the next big hit. After talking to his parents about it, they were dissertive about him ever wanting to stray on his own path, and not follow theirs. That was the first instence of the true nature of his parents.

Soon, his parents started to watch more closely on what Keegan did. They still would let him play with his toys, but the time to play shrunk. Keegan, did not like this shift of view his parents had on him, that he soon started to push them away. Kenzo made a few appearances here and there, looking like he wanted to say something to his brother, but ended up turning the other direction and retiring to his room. Dinners got tense with progress updates on studies and chores, that soon there was nothing but silence broken up with a few nitpicky comments pinned at Kenzo, and praise aimed towards Keegan. This was constant. After one dinner, Keegan followed Kenzo to his room to finally confront him about everything, and to, eventually, apologize for everything. The meeting was deep to say the least. They both learned about each other. Kenzo broke down immediately. No one has ever really wanted to start a conversation with him in years. Kenzo vented out all of his frustrations from Keegan's birth leading to their parents neglecting and basically abandoning Kenzo, and then stripping him of the only hope he had at having someone there for him: his younger brother. Kenzo told Keegan that he tried to visit Keegan to play, but then their mom stepped in and scolded him for bothering the future of the family. So he watched Keegan from a distance, and rage and jealousy grew louder and stronger, corrupted him to the point where he would wish that the whole family would perish. He did come back to his senses, but that evil thought would ring in his head every so often. Keegan, on the otherside, had a feeling that Kenzo hated him, but not for that reason. Keegan assumed it was because he was, and still sort of is, an asshole, and that he was just an unlikable individual. Keegan stayed distant from Kenzo because he thought that Kenzo was on their parents' side and he would spy on him and report back to their parents about all the off task things he did. They both looked at each other with pain in their eyes and apologized for everything that has happened. They made a promise to always have each others back and together, they will escape this shithole.

Unity and Passion

As life continues in the McKennzie household, Keegan and Kenzo become an upstoppable force. Relying on the saying, "snitches get stitches", they continuously help each other out. Keegan assists Kenzo with social activities and chores with being Kenzo's social crutch because Kenzo hates doing things by himself after being alone for all those years. Kenzo, in return, starts helping Keegan with his lifelong dream of car design in secret. Derrick and Serina started to become suspicious because Keegan was willingly interacting with Kenzo. Keegan had to do all the talking because Derrick and Serina refused to listen to Kenzo. Keegan explained how he was bored and he asked Kenzo to take him with. Keegan and Kenzo soon became attached at the hip, and Keegan's true happiness started to show, along with Kenzo's. Eventually, Serina snooped around when the brothers weren't home and found Keegan's project. Furiously, she brought it to Derrick and a family meeting was called. Voices were raised as Derrick and Keegan were yelling at each other, and Serina just glaring her deadly stare deep into Kenzo. Kenzo found his voice and proposed a business plan suggesting how if Keegan made this car, it could be the future of not just this family, but the nation. Derrick calmed down and considered Kenzo's proposition. Derrick told Keegan he has one oppertunity to make this work, and to not fuck it up. Keegan relieved at the decision, smiled the biggest smile to Kenzo and thanked him for this, and bolted back to working on his car.

After months and months of building and preparation go by until the car is finished. Derrick worked his magic and got Keegan a pitch with his friend's company. Keegan has never done anything like this, but with Kenzo's help, he was able to sell his car idea and design to the company and landed a deal. Fastfoward, Keegan's car was a huge hit and soon the McKennzie name was plastered everywhere. Derrick took advantage and started his new car company Conduit centered around Keegan's creations. Keegan was soon known as the youngest entrepreneur and paparazzi was bigger than ever. Everyone wanted to know what was up at the McKennzie household, mainly with Keegan's life. At this stage, Keegan was at a point where his work load overwhelmed him and he needed an assistant. Serina made plenty of suggestions of young women who would love to work with her son, but Keegan declined all and requested Kenzo to be his assistant. Taken aback by this, Serina was disappointed, but there was nothing she could do about it. With Kenzo now guiding Keegan, the two finally had some control over their lives, and a new income for reaching their goal of moving out. Keegan story continues in the campaign "Hope of Tomorrow".


  • He always wear black gloves when he is in public because his knuckles are full of bruises and dry blood from beating up objects out of rage and they look disgusting. He is quite embarrassed about it because everything he does requires his hands, but it's the only coping mechanism he knows that not tearing him apart from the inside. In addition, it is bad body image for a high class family to have damaged skin.
  • No matter the weather, if Keegan goes out, he has to dress in long sleeves and business casual, rarely showing off any skin because he gets cold easily.
  • Keegan does not engage in physical affection. The only time he will touch another person is with a handshake. He is very touch-starved.
  • Keegan has undiagnosed depression and suicidal thoughts, and his parents refuse to look deeper into his mental health because they don't believe in mental illness.
  • When Keegan has enough money, he and Kenzo move out together from their parents. They don't move far, but far enough to not have to see their parents constantly.
  • Keegan's magic revs like a car. He has to warm up a bit before he can perform bigger spells. When sensing his magic with an arcana check or detect magic, his magic has a slight hum to it and it glows an electric blue that sparks erradically like welding metal.



Derrick McKennzie [ father ]

Derrick and Keegan's relationship is very one-sided. While Keegan despises his father, Derrick is prideful of Keegan's accomplishments, not Keegan himself. Derrick needs the perfect heir to his business and capital. After the failure of Kenzo, Keegan was next in line. Derrick sees Keegan not as a person, but a possession, a pawn, a business strategy. Keegan doesn't want to admit it, but he and his father have similar mannerisms. Both are head-strong, jealous, short-tempered, and on the more violent side. Keegan and Derrick also look very similar, so Keegan has to carry the weight of looking like his father with him. In future years, Keegan never rekindles a relationship with his father, no matter how hard Derrick tries to lure his "only" son back into his grip.


Serina McKennzie [ mother ]

Serina and Keegan's relationship is nothing more than just people who happen to live together and occupy the same space. Serina is devoted to her husband, that she has no personality except being his wife and agreer. She has always been emotionally absent with both of her children. Occasionally, she will check in with them, but the conversation never goes far. Serina at first treated Keegan like royalty up until he was able to work. Then, her duties as a mother finished and she can return to being a wife. Every mannerism that his mother shows him, Keegan knows it's all an act. The way she caresses his cheek, to her slight smile is all an act. The only thing that feels genuine yet sinister, is her stare. Keegan did inherit one prominent trait from her, and that was her glare.


Kenzo McKennzie [ older brother ]

Kenzo was Keegan's only hope in this wrecked picture family. He was the eldest, and has suffered the most in the house. Keegan and Kenzo used to never get along in the beginning. Keegan was only born, because Kenzo had too many faults in his parents' eyes. Kenzo was so excited to have a younger sibling to play with, until he started to see how he was nothing more than a failed experiment when their parents started spoiling Keegan. Keno never received any acknowledgement or special treatment like Keegan got. Kenzo hated Keegan, and Keegan hated Kenzo. Life got lonely as time went on, and Kenzo could see right through his parents and their plans with Keegan. Deep down, Kenzo always wanted a healthy relationship with Keegan, but jealousy and clashing personalities created barriers. After years of isolation and maturing, Keegan and Kenzo were able to finally understand each others issues and combined forces to save each other from their parents. Now, Keegan and Kenzo are lifelong friends and they know that no matter what, they've always got each other's backs.