


8 years, 26 days ago


Name: Selene

Age: Younggg (late teens)

Gender: girl (she or they pronouns are fine tho)

Species: Skulleid.

Hair color: light lavender-gray

Eye color: Yellow w/blue pupils

Traits: Colored pupils (ultra rare), pastel skin (common) , crystal bones (rare), crescent moon horns (legendary), zodiac themed skulleid (ultra rare)

Occupation: student/works part time at a library

History: Selene has always been fascinated by the human world.  Her dream of going to the human world became a reality as she became an 'exchange student' to go to a human school.  She's been going to hell high school for 3 years now.  Once she graduates she plans to 'extend her visa' and also go to college because she can't get enough of it, it's just too interesting.  Her first year of high school, she lived with a human family, but after that she has been living on her own in an apartment.

Personality: Selene is rather quiet, in fact, it's a little scary how silent she can be.  She doesn't want to be too boisterous and mischieveous to risk her school career.  Even in hell, though, she was always a bit of a wallflower compared to the other skulleids she crossed paths with.  When she's on a caffeine or sugar high, though, she is beyond silly.  She'll become jittery, loud, and most of all, giggly.  Super, super giggly.  She'll even whip out a book of puns from her little crab backpack and start reading them off, full fit of laughter after each one.  She is very serious about her schoolwork, not letting anything get in the way of it getting done to the best of her ability.  When she is struggling, she can't find herself asking anyone for help, feeling she has to do it on her own.  This, in cause, makes her frustrated, which in turn causes a bunch of things to go wrong for her, which makes her even more frustrated.  She has come close to throwing things.  She is also very impatient, and so she can become frustrated rather easily.  If this happens in the morning, then the rest of her day is going to be terrible because she's in an awful mood.  She tries to prevent these things from happening in public because she'll start crying and it's not pretty.  She'll try to save face any way she can: running into the bathroom, pretending she got something in her eyes/'allergies', simply walking away, putting on a fake happy face, ect.  Selene can be a bit awkward around new people, especially around other skulleids.  Her first reaction could be two things: pretend like she can disappear or be overly polite and make simple small talk in hopes that that'll be it.  If the other continues to engage with her and seems to be doing it genuninely, she'll begin to open up.  She doesn't find herself interesting, so she'll talk about things she enjoys or random factoids (often the same thing tbh).  When she becomes friends with someone, she'll instictively become motherly.  She'll help them with homework, tell them to clean their room (or do it herself), warn them not to do something stupid, proceed to say 'I told you not to do it' if it goes wrong, and fiercely protect them from anyone.  She'll hold grudges against anyone who does wrong to her friends.  Around her friends, she'll be cautious not to overstep any boundaries, but once those boundaries are set, she'll want to cuddle up.  Physical affection is the best kind, according to her.  She's not super into sex, she'd rather just cuddle or hold hands.

Strengths: Selene is hardworking and focused.  She is reliable.  She tries her best in every situation, and doesn't give up easily.  She's very enthusiastic about her interests, and is always wanting to learn more.  She doesn't overstep boundaries and will drop anything at the sight of making someone uncomfortable.  She is motherly and nurturing.

Weaknesses: Selene can't multitask.  She becomes flustered very easily and impatient.  She hates being embarrassed more than anything.  She can hold a nasty grudge for years.  She is shy and awkward, hard to get out of her shell.  She has trouble asking for help and is hardheaded.  When something bad happens, that sets her off in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Family: --

Sexuality: Panromantic/Demisexual?

Partner: ----

Friends/relationships: Orion: ???

Likes: History (both human and skulleid), constellations, crabs (her fave animal), the ocean, crop tops, skateboarding, biking, historical fiction, comics, any gooey food, physical affection, history documentaries (netflix is like a godsend to her), alien themed stuff

Dislikes: dry food (space food disappoints her greatly), possible embarrassing photos that might not even exist, black holes (thinking about them freaks her out)

Fears: rejection, deep space (terrifies her)

Extra: tiny frame, about 5'2, her skateboard deck has a alien design, the human family she stayed with her first year of high school gave her the crab backpack and even though she has had to replace the zipper a few times and have someone sew it back up in a few places it's one of her favorite items ever