Ghost (Kuron's Leopard ship)



5 years, 1 month ago



Who named itAllura
Who built itKuron t39
What chapter does it show up inChapter 4
SizeA bit smaller than the red lion
MoveableCan keep up with the red lion's speed on full power.
Piloted byKuron or Shiro
Type of shipGalra (it shows up as a galra ship)
WeaknessIf any of the leg Crystal's get broken or knocked loss then the ship can't run.
Problems with the shipIf Shiro or kuron are linked in there is more than enough energy to kill them if The Crystal's get attacked.
Attack if neededThere are no weapons but the tail can be used to hit things and the chest crystal powers a shield.
LocationOld ship hanger that is not used by the garrison anymore.

This ship was built to get around the area of the desert to find quintessence capsules.

This ship does have any weapons and it can't fly.

It's not like the Voltron lions it's like a normal ship with a bit of a kick to it.

The crystal on the chest that is hidden was stolen from the garrison without them knowing it comes from Luka's robeast it's not a full crystal its just a part of it there is another part in a suit of armor that kuron built for if Shiro would ever need it but mostly gets worn by kuron t26 instead of Shiro.

The ship can get badly damaged as a normal ship would but you got to touch it 1st kuron's good about keeping that ship safe.