Ghost ( Glowing Snow Leopard)



5 years, 3 days ago



What I LikeMy little brother
Leopard SizeIt comes up to a bit above Shiro's hip.
Family"Shiro" is his little brother or was.
SongThis is the song I use with ghost.

It's a glowing snow Leopard that shows up after Shiro leaves the garrison and after kuron's Leopard ship was moved from its resting place.

Ghost can't venture far from the Leopard ship his Sprite lives inside that ship to be closer to his little brother.

As long as the ship is nearby so is ghost. He gets along with Cosmo. Unlike Cosmo ghost can't teleport if the ship gets too far away he'll just fade and return to the ship.

Even if he's a no joke a real ghost that has taken the form of a glowing white Leopard you can touch him like if he was a real animal.

His eyes are glowing white.

How ghost talks to people is threw touch even if he takes the form of a Leopard he has another form that he talks one is a little kid and another one is he takes the form of Shiro but both keep the white glowing look to them with the white eyes.