


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Sonny Snowflake




Pegasus Mutt




Informant / Mafioso


Minimal magic


He'll talk to you about random topics for hours if you let him


Most art that's not in my style is by PityAction :D

Some events in some sort of order...

His Mother: Grace


Sonny was born to his mother Grace, and Father, Maxwell as of a result of unprotected sex after a night of partying late. His mother was nothing but over the moon in love with her new son but his father Maxwell didn't want to settle down and have a family. His early years consisted of his parents bickering and arguing about him. He never understood why his dad seemed to pretend he didn't exist. There were times he'd be pulling on his fathers sleeve, or in front of him trying to get his attention and he'd still get ignored. He started to feel sad and his mother would notice, and it'd cause more fighting. His father wanting nothing to do with raising him, and his mother wanting them to be a family. These constant disputes eventually ended their marriage. His mother moved apartments to get away from his father and provide sonny with a better life.

In elementary school he was a bit shy, but greatly enjoyed being the center of attention. He'd always try to show off by being the fastest runner and being a bit of a clown. On a random day, Sonny's mom had brought a kid from school home. She told him it was his neighbor and they could be friends. He didn't really care and started to play with the other kid who always seemed sad. He learned he was named Red, and lived just a few doors down. He started to come over everyday, and it felt like they were almost brothers. He even saw him at school so they'd always hang out and cause a ruckus together. Eventually one day he heard banging at the door and his mom went to check, and he saw an other lady, and she started to argue with his mom loudly. He hid with Red in his room, The Police came and took Red away, Sonny never saw him again, but his mom comforted him after that episode.

Middle School

In Middle school Sonny hung out with the popular kids and became extremely charismatic. He was getting into sports but focused mainly on Track and getting good grades. It wasn't until near the end of Middle school where Sonny met Red again. By then Red was different but they stayed friends and soon became close again. They were almost inseparable.

High School

Sonny quickly became a "popular kid" in High school. He would hang out with the jocks and continued with Track. During this time, Sonny started to give into Red's influence and though he relatively stayed the same, he enjoyed watching  and getting into fights and to an extent bullying people he thought deserved it such as Javin, Ezra's little brother. Besides that he was laid back and easy going.

while sonny still only viewed Red as a Friend, Red eventually tried to confess during valentines and it flew right over Sonny's head who didn't realize. Sonny treated it like the joke he thought it was crushing Red's heart without knowing. Red became a bit more distant, sonny didn't like it, and to avoid the awkward situation he stopped hanging out with the jocks and instead with the other popular kids.

In his Senior year, he got close to Red again and started to hang out with the jocks again. After practice he went to get their other friend, Oliver to invite him to join them and other teammates to go eat pizza. He eventually found him walking to see his dad the PE teacher. Once they arrived at the Gym, they saw droplets of blood and figured Mr.Covert  must have hurt himself with gym equipment. Once they arrived in the weight room, they saw him hiding. Mr. Covert tried to hurriedly get the two kids to leave, but an assassin named Ryder came closer, much to the kids confusion. Ryder aimed a small hand held cannon at them but Mr.covert  managed to get himself and the kids out of the way. however, the assassin caught up with them and locked them into a room with himself. Ryder then teleported in front of their teacher stabbing them in the heart. Both Oliver and Sonny freak out a lot more, but around this time an other masked person appears, this time fighting off the assassin. Sonny and Oliver try to escape with Mr. Covert, with Sonny constantly asking if he's okay or not, the teacher however doesn't respond or even appear to be breathing. Oliver decides to then run and get help, only to be stopped by the assassin teleporting in front of him, with Oliver temporarily downed, Ryder turns his attention to Sonny and shoots at the ceiling causing debris to fall on him. Oliver goes to him and tried to get the debris off of him despite Sonny constantly trying to push him away and get him to leave. With the two preoccupied, the assassin and the masked man continue to fight, the Masked man takes hold of the cannon and starts to fight with it, They try to shoot to Ryder with it, but miss, and it ends up hitting some debris and Oliver. Ultimately killing him. While sonny is dazed and confused about what transpired, The Masked man kills the assassin with a shot to the head. The Masked man decides to check on Sonny, and realizes he is still alive, he then takes out a red silky ribbon with strange glowing markings and ties it around his neck. The Ribbon makes Sonny's neck feel cold and numb.. With Sirens approaching, the masked man flees. Sonny awakens in the hospital to find out he's now mute. After witnessing the death of his friend and teacher he becomes depressed and fearful. Red doesn't like to see Sonny this way, and decides he'd use his ability to erase memories to make him feel better. From this point on, he periodically erases Sonny's memories to make him like him more and to make him forget everything bad. But in doing this, he also ruins any witness testimony he could have given to solve the case of the two murders. With his memories constantly messed with, he easily continued his life, but with Red more clingy than ever.


Sonny decided to further his education and went to college to become a doctor. though he still saw Red around campus he hung out with him less and less. on one evening Red invited him to go out for drinks, Sonny decided to stay at the dorms and study instead. As they went their separate ways, Sonny heard a few noises but figured it was other students. He was wrong of course, and ended up getting a white cloth shoved onto his mouth and nose, and after a bit of struggling passed out. He awoke in the back of a white van, dazed and unable to move. He felt like his mind was too numb to think. the next few hours were a huge blur, the only thing of note he could remember was that people came, and he was saved. When he awoke in the hospital some time later, he came to find he was missing his wings, cut clean off by who ever had got him. It all felt the same as it did in High school, and Red's imperfect erasing became undone and began to unravel causing him to 'remember' every single negative thing in his life Red changed. He started to grow anxious or more upset, everything was starting to be too much. Then, a man walked into the Room, he introduced himself as Officer Thomas Miller, And Sonny recognized him as the one who saved him. The Officer gently spoke to him about what happened, and what was going to happen from then on. Once again, once red found out, he started to show up. He started his chore of making Sonny "Right" again by erasing everything bad. this time however, Sonny recognized the sensation of the "after" and started to connect the dots. It wasn't until after he was discharged that he confronted Red about it, a tremendous argument broke out, with Sonny yelling at red, that he didn't need him to decide things for him and that he didn't want to associate with him anymore. Red tried to defend himself and explain that it had to be done, and that it was what was best. Sonny didn't trust him, and ended their friendship. Red then began to resent Sonny.

Later life (Present)

After the incident he dropped out of college, somehow got more involved with Miller, and it lead up to him joining the mafia. Sonny got very close to Miller, and was basically at his beck and call. Miller is found out by a fellow officer Ace Osadia that he's actually mafia and they attempt to arrest him. Miller flee's to the Mafia's base where he is lambasted and cast out of the mafia by his own father. His world falls apart, and Sonny doesn't see him for several years. In this time, Sonny furthers his own role in the Mafia mainly acting as a bridge between groups and as an informant. His role helps secure a partner ship with the Guard dogs lead by Antis. There, he meets Cinna who becomes his best friend. While in the Mafia he gets into a relationship with a girl he had been talking to since high school. To his dismay he finds out she is part of the executioners who hate the Guard dogs but decides dating her is very much worth it. And So, he starts to date Zuri.

 basic run down (TLDR;)

- Sonny had a deadbeat dad that knocked up his mom and then yeeted himself out of Sonny's life because being a dad was too hard 

- Sonny ran into a "murderer" at school that killed one of this friends and almost him. It left him mute, giving him a weird tick to make sure people respond to be sure they're alive. (His muteness free trial ran out in 6 months)

- In college, guess who ran into a Serial killer and survived?! :D This kid! He met Miller, his savior and was basically his b*tch for a while.

- Miller then throws himself away and Sonny is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and joins the mafia. (And becomes an informant) 

- Became 360 no Scope. Except he uses a scope so he lies about his title. 

- finally got with that girl he's had a crush on since highschool. D'aww.

and that's the story for now.

- Despite all the pictures; He rarely smokes. He prefers drinking.
- He's very adamant about not being gay. And yet....
- He loves carrots.
- He will break into your house at night to hide under your blankets because he has nightmares.
- He needs glasses to see. How is this scrub a sniper????????
- He snapped off one of Javin's horns in High school.
- He met Zuri in an Online game.
- He found out about his two run in's with death by google searching his name. (He got more pissed off that red erased it too)