🐎Francis McCarthy🐎



4 years, 11 months ago


- Francis McCarthy -

he/him | human | gay

- positive; friendly; helpful; humble -

❤ whiskey, helping others, looking after animals, whittling, flower picking, playing his harmonica ❤

- Long hair that can be drawn tied up in a bun or left down

- Big beard, big heart

- Prominent scar over his nose/left cheek

- His parents are both Irish immigrants who are now too old, frail and ill to run their farm, so Francis does all he can to help them (even if that includes collecting bounties and getting in to fights)

- He's 6'2" and tends to frown without realising it, but he's a huge softy really

- He's autistic and is mostly non-verbal, but will info dump about his fav subjects (whittling, instruments, farm animals) when comfortable!!