Scorpia, The Defiler



4 years, 11 months ago


- Borderlands 2 Fan-Character

- Will post complete skill tree information at some point

Former Dahl Engineer and Scientist, Dr. ████████ was assigned the research of caustic environments, hazard containment, and long-term effects of noxious fumes. They held a severe fascination for what the right (or wrong) compounds could do to exposed flesh, to open bloodstreams, to tools and weapons as well. They found out after a few months that the team was subject to rather lackluster safety procedures and equipment, and procured confidential files that assumed the research team to be unfit for work roughly half a year from now as "a cost-saving measure". By the time they managed to act on this they had developed severe breathing difficulties and manufactured a respirator to help keep them in shape for the time being. As they'd certainly get in trouble for seeming highly aware of the planned risks they were subject to, they arranged for a showing at the research facility over some "exciting new research discoveries" that the higher-ups had to see for themselves. By the time these suits arrived, Dr. ████████ had organized an assortment of "borrowed" chemical tech, a getaway to Pandora, and left the visiting team and the unaware but doomed researchers a highly potent chemical trap. Unscathed through their respiratory tech and copious amounts of antidote, Dr. ████████ watched the present dozen people pass out and suffocate in a matter of instants. A satisfying experience, as they'd finally manage to put their research to tangible effect. This delight in murder awakened an until know hidden bloodlust, which would prove to be highly valuable of an asset on the hostile lands of Pandora. Armed with compressed miasmic gas, a highly technical alignment and a lack of morality, they wouldn't let anyone get in their way. And as the word of the Vault found them, they had already amassed some reputation as Scorpia, the Defiler who could melt people to their very bones. A bit of an exaggeration, of course. But not extremely so.