


5 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info




Male Presenting


oh ana by mother mother / why by nf


Former Human, Pseudo-Deity




"I push away the people that I love the most. Why? I don't want no one to know I'm vulerable.
Why? That makes me feel weak and so uncomfortable. Why? Stop asking me questions, I just
feel alive until I die."
- Why by NF

World, or Goddd, is a self-proclaimed deity and ex-human with the ability to manipulate the substance of reality, with exception to time. Basically, he can control space, or matter. World uses this power to be the Goddd of his own world, the one that tormented him when he was growing up. His interest in art is abundantly clear from looking at the world he has designed, which resembles an artist's canvas of mediums with different Zones for each type. World resides in his Churches, which are located all around his world, and he can always be found in any Church, regardless of whether he's appearing in any others at the same time and regardless of the distance away these Churches may be from the place you last saw him. Upon first meeting him, he puts up a convincing facade, masquerading as a judeo-christian God. However, further analysis of his religious views suggest he may view himself as one of many gods, rather than a singular dominating God, suggesting he has polytheistic leanings. World uses his reality manipulation to perform miracles and save lives, converting people to believing he is God.

World's personality is fundamentally very egotistical (of course), however the ego only masks a deep dissatisfaction with himself. World has anxiety about his own death and about any variables he cannot control, which means he very rarely leaves his own world, instead sending others out to do his dirty work for him. He also retained his weak stomach from his mortal days, and the sight of excessive gore makes him nauseous. That said, he thrives watching others suffer and actively encourages the misery of those around him. As long as he can get away with it without any consequences, he'll sabotage everyone around him if given the chance. He can't deny that even when seeing something, the magnitude of which makes him sick, he gets a sick sense of satisfaction from seeing the pain demonstrated there. 

Externally, World is boastful, precise and extremely locked up. To say he's a closed book would be a dramatic understatement of how closed off he is from others. World absolutely never says what's on his mind, usually veiling things with religious jargin or saying them in such an ambiguous way that it's impossible to prove his meaning, or sometimes to intuit it at all. World pretends to be unphased by everything and boasts that as God, he has no time to care about mortals or petty mortal affairs. He also pretends to be good-willing, or at least willing to help. Favors, even with surface World, are not free-- everything has a price, and if you're going to ask him for help, you better be willing to do something in exchange (usually a display of faith of some kind). World has a persuasive and convoluted way of speaking that makes it seem like he is both fair and just, when really he's a manipulator who's only in it for his own best interest.

Internally, however, World is anxious and careful. He feels things very powerfully, but at this point he's grown proficient at keeping his feelings to himself and smothering them beneath the surface. He knows he thrives on the suffering of others, and even wonders if this emotional response proves he's a fundamentally broken person, but he tries not to dwell on it too long, considering he can't get the feelings to go away. He tries to live in a way that minimizes his guilt for the wrongs he's committed, prentending to be completely unbothered by them so that hopefully one day that will be true. Really, he has nightmares (when he does sleep) about the wrongs he's committed and he feels all he can do is dig himself a deeper hole.