
5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Koma

Gender: Male

Age: Child (5 or so)

Species: Arcanine/Ninetales bred

Type: Fire

Height: 5'

Nature: Naive

Rank: Bronze


Forgiving: Koma can't hold a grudge against anyone.

Genuine: As most children, Koma speaks what is on his mind

Trusting: Koma will trust anyone who shows the slightest bit of kindness towards him

Lazy: Koma isn't one to work, or to train, he enjoys his nap times.

Untidy: He doesn't know how to keep a place tidy and in order

Vain: Koma is proud of his look and take (or expect people to) a great care of his fur and appearance

Bio: Koma has been bred in a facility that was specialized in breeding Pokemon for Pokemon contest after a special order was made by a rich Pokemon trainer expecting to easily win these contests. They bought Koma when he was still just a Growlix but decided it'd be best to use a fire stone and have Koma evolve right away, not caring that he was still a baby. Therefore Koma is just a big child not knowing much of the world and not understanding what was expected of him during those contests. Of course, he didn't win a lot of contests (and those he did, he was rather oblivious to it, even though he enjoyed the treats and grooming he was given before and after). 

However, his results weren't to his trainer's liking who replaced him and released him in the wild, though Koma didn't realise it right away for he believed they were just on a walk. When he noticed his owner wasn't here anymore, he tried to find his way back home but couldn't find it and he wandered the streets where he met stray and dirty Pokemon. He asked them if they could help him yet they just laughed at him and entertained themselves frightening him and chasing him away. Thanks to his Arcanine side, he was fast enough to run away, but too fast for his own good as he got tangled in his multiple tails and fell into a mud pool. Scared, famished, exhausted, disheartened, he laid down where he was and cried himself to sleep, calling for his owner. The next day, he got close to another city where he got in and tried to get in contact with human, hoping they'd give him some food and shelter, but the first he encountered tried to catch him, sending a Pokemon to fight him. Out of fear, Koma roared, scaring away the human's pokemon, as much as he himself was scared.

He wandered for several days, as he was unable to hunt or fend for himself, he ate left over in trash when he could find some and when there was no other Pokemon, which he avoided at all cost, as he did for humans for either they tried to battle him, capture him or send him away.

One day, he was running away from people dressed in grey and white clad humans near a huge pointy building, he stumbled upon a black and purple Pokemon with a bad temper who faced these humans and their Pokemon. For this, Koma felt indebted to his savior. Koma didn't quite understand what the argument between his savior and other Pokemon was about, but he decided to followed him to what he called "the base", no matter how angry the black and purple Pokemon was and regardless of the many time they told him to "leave him alone" and "find someone else to follow around". Koma tried to explain that he was hungry and had nowhere to go, yet he only got a sigh for an answer. His savior however did bring him to "the base" and introduced him to what "Team Rocket" was, even though Koma didn't understand much of it. He was just glad to have a nice and warm place to sleep in and something to eat.