


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Corrupted CuSith


Chaotic Neutral




A cu sith completely taken over by chaos magic. He was once a corgi fairy-mount. His rider and him were slain fighting a mass of chaotic energy and after some time he raised from the dead twisted into the creature he is today. He does not remember his life beyond small glimpses and a distant longing for the fairy who was his lifelong companion. Although he appears to be some sort of avenging creature he doesn't particularly care to track down the creature who killed and corrupted him but if he ever finds it he will deal with it savagely.

Church is quiet and stoic when not speaking but when talking his raspy voice always has a hint of laughter in it and he makes a lot of choking raspy laughs.
He is a wanderer who helps those who are lost or in danger. He likes to keep people afraid of him as a rule, always acting tough and dangerous but he is actually a softie. His face cannot emote so he shows no emotion and is impossible to read. Morally he is very grey. He does not follow rules that do not serve him to follow.

Cusith usually have green fur but Church has black and his shimmering stained glass eyes have the chaos symbol as their pupils.
He is undead and as such cannot be killed or harmed by normal means. Magic to constrain chaos and holy water hurt him but to kill him he would have to be exorcised.
When he was a corgi he had just a little better than regular dog intelligence. His mind is twisted and moves in strange ways but he is clever and has human-like intelligence post rising from the dead.


Theme songs:

Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse

Sheep in Wolfs clothing

Stronger - The Score

Rats - Ghost