


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Dinah Dolph
Nicknames:Di, Dina, D-Dawg, Twizted Pic, ki falla'sheisan (most honoured lady. Her body guard Gaelen calls her this though she doesnt know why), mamaFoxi, mama, Foxi)
Age: 24
Sexuality: Bisexual, monogamous
Temperament:On stage as Nightingale, she is very morose and calm but with a theatric presence. As Twizted Picturez, Dinah is erractic and violent. Often performing with a modified mic that resembles a butchers knife. In person though, Dinah is bubbly and very happy go lucky. She's quick to make friends and tends to "adopt" people and grems. She isn't always like that though as she deals with Trauma induced Depression.
Likes:Ramen, Sesame Balls, Sushi, Cute things, Singing and Song-writing, Drawing, Reading, being up on stage, hanging out with fans, poetry
Dislikes:Paparatzzi, Flashes, Eel, Squid, spiders, most bugs, having other people tell her what her songs can be about.
Bio: Dinah is my true gremsona. She was made in the image of a young girl who was killed in a car crash as a way to replace her. Dinah lived with the girls parents until they got a divorce and Dinah learned the truth. She moved out shortly after when her songs got noticed by a music label, BMG, after she won a radio contest. The instrumentals that she used to make herself were replaced by a symphony and the singer known as Nightingale was born. Dinah loved it though some of what she wrote didn't fit with Night's image and sound so she went underground at night to produce Horrorcore Hiphop under the name TwistedPicturez. She dyed her fur black with wash out dye and wore a half mask with a voice changer. No one's caught on yet. And that makes Dinah the happiest.