Cadestruhl (Cade)



5 years, 1 month ago


Cadestruhl is a lust demon that is capable of mild shapeshifting to attune to anyone's kinks. However this power is limited, as you will always know that it is Cade. His shifting powers will always end up having dark skin, hair, purple flesh, and the tell tale opalesque eyes.

He doesn't quite understand human emotion and is often blunt about them. He does not know that if a dog dies you're supposed to feel sad. But he is capable of some amounts of emotion, and is currently in denial about love.

Other powers include shadow magic, being able to possess someone's shadow or move from place to place via shadows. He harvests souls through copulation, but only after an agreement has been made. 

Cade also runs a monster brothel, each employee is specifically assigned different jobs according to their kinks and customs. Revoking consent is a federal offense and he will take your soul if you try anything with his workers.