


9 years, 3 months ago


Henra // Cinnoa

Sweet, kind, cutesy, and a touch excitable. Henra is a little naive, but somehow still very clever. He has an odd philosophy on life, and not everyone may understand the unique metaphors and references he makes. If you can stand to sort through what he's saying, though, he can be very insightful and provide good advice.

(Say, imagine a bubblier version of Luna Lovegood.)

He does like to tease, and due to his sometimes oblivious naivety (aka proddings going over his head) it's challenging to tease him back. Henra's tinkle of a laugh is so cute, though, that no one can ever get seriously angry with him for it. I mean, just look at how adorable he is! Ugh!

Henra is the secretary for the Inventors Guild headquarters located in the Capital. It's a relatively small guild compared to the others, and avoided by most given its reputation for being filled with a bunch of weirdos. The membergroup is pretty close-knit, with around roughly 100 members throughout the country--and Henra knows at least half of all members associated with the guild by first name basis. He's friendly and sweet, and nearly everyone absolutely loves him.

He's treated fondly by the majority of the guild not just for his cute looks and kind personality, though. Although Henra isn't an inventor himself, he often has a unique insight and way with words that inspires epiphanies in others. An offhand comment in passing can very easily bring an 'OH!' moment to however he's speaking with.