Midas's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

anguisavis Global Rules



  • All design sales are final. You may re-sell, re-gift, or re-trade a character design if you do not want it anymore.
  • Always keep the monetary value of any of my designs with the character - for example, in a profile bio.
  • Commissioned art, personal art, and gift art count towards the value of any character design I create. Use the original artist's commission prices to edit the value correctly.
  • Re-sale must be for the character design's exact monetary value or lower. You may not re-sell for higher than the character's value. However, you may trade the design for a character with a higher value if you wish.
  • Trading does not affect the value of my character designs ( for example, if you trade the design for another of higher or lower value it does not change my design's value ).
  • Once you have paid in full for your character design, you may do whatever you like with it. You do not need any further permission to draw it, buy commissions for it, re-sell, re-trade, or re-gift it, create or buy crafts or cosplay for it, or use it for your own commercial purposes ( as long as I am credited for the design ).
  • You may edit / draw over my original artwork for the character as much as you like, just be sure to keep the original files with the character.
  • You may not claim the design as your own. If you have edited the character's original artwork, then you may credit yourself for the edits - but not for the original work.
  • Do not create original species, closed or otherwise, from my character designs.
  • You may create similar-looking or duplicate characters for story purposes, but the original character must always be linked to the new one and vice versa. This link may never be deleted, even if the ownership for one or both character(s) is transferred.

bg image credit : Studio Ghibli