Tiluca Medu



5 years, 21 days ago

Basic Info


Tiluca Medu


Fish or Sozoa


May 1st (2019)


Appears Thirty-One


7'8" (234cm)


Around 11 Feet


300lbs (21.4 Stone / 136kg)


Merman - Jellyfish Shark Hybrid


A Feisty Moray Eel



  • Uninterested
  • Observer Over Fighter
  • Laid-Back Mostly
  • Protective

More Info                            

Tiluca is one of your bog-standard, run of the mill mermen. If you don't mind the long ribbony Jellyfish tendrils that make up his long hair, his faded-navy-blue skin tone, the black scleras or the bright peachy orange color of his eyes that is.

He has clawed fingers, each carefully connected together with a thin membrane web half way down each digit. His skin has an odd silky-rough texture overall but feels even more intense when wet. Run your hand backward over it and feel something similar to a cheese grater or very coarse sandpaper. He has a dark smokey stripe running down his spine, and a lighter underbelly over his chest, stomach and curving as well as fading out over the inner sides of his thighs. He's patterned in a few larger, smoother scales over his shoulders, around the high points of his hips, down the front of his shins, and across his collarbones/shoulder blades respectively. They gleam in pale greens and soft lavenders and shine even brighter when wet. While on land he breathes through his lungs as any human would, but when he is in the water he has four gills on either side of his ribcage that otherwise would be sealed shut. They have a milky translucent appearance even when shut and appear to cut jaggedly across his skin.

Shark tail! Of course, it's a shark tail. Long and muscular with all possible fins visible. Some of which are scarred from harpoons and nets and fighting against other sea creatures that just try to take a bite out of him in general. This includes a very enthusiastic sea turtle that wanted a tasty snack. There is a dark dorsal stripe running down his back and tail with very faint smokey stripes pulling off of it. The color gets darker the further down his tail you go!

When Tiluca has his tendrils tied back (loosely, they're tender to touch!) with three or four hair ties gathering them they almost look like kinky, curly hair. If of course hair was translucent and could cause some painful stings or even some wild hallucinations in some species when it's touched. They appear dark blue near his scalp and more milky purple toward the tips, which reach about mid/lower back in length.

Has a swimmer's body type. Slit pupils, black sclera/cornea, bright almost-neon peachy orange irises. Shark teeth when irritated or in the water, more human-like teeth otherwise though you feel a little unsettled to look at them for too long. It seems like his canines are rather sharp, as well as the teeth on either side- at least compared to what you're used to seeing. Earholes, no pesky outer ear bits for this boy- not that you'd notice because his 'hair' would cover them up anyway. He appears to be perpetually wearing only his work uniform no matter where you find him. You wonder if he owns anything other than that (he does).

Modern History